ficlets! a knight, a cat, and an ophi! xD

Jan 09, 2011 00:58

Title: Lost Knight
Rating: K+
Word Count: 1,260 words
Summary: A lost and lonely knight is attempted to be saved by a lady who can't love :D

our tiny bird is to blame for all the troubles today
making naps and taking dives in unnecessary places
as hope for our sins to die moves on,
so does the world around us

To him, it was moments ago when the battle was fought, and won. His comrades were all gone and he wondered where they all went. As he searched, all he could find were the dead bodies of the enemy. He promised his comrades he would wait there for them.

Every night he would set up a camp, and it would be easy. The nights were as chill as the foggy days and there never was a wind to blow anything down.

For years he waited for them in what seemed to be an alternate dimension with no living people and where time does not flow. To him, it had only been maybe days, for the corpses over the ridge never got older, they never decomposed, he never seemed to get older. What was so wrong to think only days had passed? It sure felt like it.

In truth, however, the knight had been there for hundreds of years. As he was trapped i nhis own little world where time does not flow, the real world moved on.

His war had been fought and won. He was reported missing and held in mourning.

The warmth which surrounded her quickly faded away as she climbed outside her car. With brisk steps she walked up to the statue across the road and touched it. In that instant she was transported from her normal world and into the one the knight inhabited.

"Hello," the knight said to her when she first approached him. "Who are you? What are you doing here? Are you a handmaid from a local house come to fetch me?" Obviously he was glad to see another human after so long, which did not seem like so long. It did not matter who she was or how she looked. she was another person and that was enough for him.

He was starting to think he was dead and he were a mere ghost left behind to wander.

"Hello, lost knight. I am Jocelyn, and I was sent here, not to take you home, but to keep you company," she said and sat down beside him.

Baffled, he looked at her and said, "I beg your pardon, but if you know the way home I must order you to show me back. I don't want to stay here any longer."

She shook her head. "I cannot do that, sir. By my master's order, which I am bound by, I can only keep you company, and only stay for a short period."

Grumpy and tired, the knight took her in and let her stay.

Every day they would talk, and help each other with the chores. And they would pray, every day, for the souls of his fallen comrades and the souls of his enemy, who were still humans in his mind.

Since only things from the family "mammalia" were allowed to move, they hunted. The deer they hunted were not the same deer he had hunted hundreds of years ago; these were the decedents of the deer he so loved to hunt for game.

Days passed and slowly he began to care for her. At first he protected her out of kindness and politeness. OUt of being a good knight. But as time, which was frozen, flew over their heads, he began to like her and care for her. She was no longer just a handmaid or a comrade; she was someone he fell in love with.

One night at the fire, as he was cooking their food, she said, "I must go soon. Tomorrow. There is something I must tell you before I leave." She was honest and straightforward as always. He liked this aspect of her.

The next day he didn't want to see her leave, so he planned to propose to her after she told him what she had to say.

"You are dead," was what she had to say and she was serious about it. "You are dead, and you've been swallowed up by this dimension. The only reason you're alive is because you have something to hold on to. I was sent here to tell you this in the hopes of you moving on." She was unkind with her words but not one bit of it was untrue.

At first, he did not believe her, but as he thought about it the more it made sense. The main things which got to him was the fact there was no wind and the dead bodies never rotted.

The knight returned to her before she had to leave. He told her he accepted his death and that he was ready to move on. she told him how to pass, but when he tried he could not.

"There must be something else holding you back," she said and began to ponder why he was still standing before her. This woman did not yet have the capacity to love or feel affection. But it was for this reason she was working jobs like this. Her boss figures if she does so many achieving jobs like relieving the dead she'd develop a sort of affection, at least.

"Do you have anymore unfinished business?" she asked him with a curious face and serious eyes.

for a moment the knight thought. What did he have left to do? What was there for only him to complete?

"Will you marry me?" he said, bent down on one knee and hand gently holding her's.

She looked down at him with suspicious eyes. "What was that? Are you trying to be funny?"

"I am not. I have fallen in love with you and your beauty, Jocelyn. I know now I am dead, but that does not change the fact that this body still lives. I still feel, get hurt, know pleasure. Will you stay and live with me?"

"I cannot stay with you. That would be crazy. This is a place I cannot hope of living in."

"What are you saying? You have stayed here this long, have you not? What forbids you from staying as my love for you forbids me from passing?"

she began to look troubled, worried for him and her job. "I have a life to take care of in my own world. A child. He is my son."

"If you are not taking care of him now, why can't you not take care of him--"

"He is my son, Knight. If I cannot love I will have an irresistible urge to be responsible." Her eyes were closed and her fists balled up.

The knight understood. She must have been telling the truth for there was no reason for her to lie. "Then let it be. I will continue to wander," he said, knowing full well how lonely it would be without someone.

"No. Although I do have to leave. For you, my knight, who does love me so much as to wish to marry: I will leave my son here for you. If you love me, you will take care of him for me as I take care of my work." It looked like he was about to decline so she grabbed his mouth and said, "Do not miss me. Love him as you would love your own, for if we marry he will. I will promise to visit, and when I do I will try to love both of you."

With her words said and done she turned on her heel and headed home. She picked up her son from her boss and dropped him off, without word, with the knight.

Title: Cat/Ophelia
Rating: PG18
Word Count: 909 words
Summary: Where did Clown go?

"Be cautious and examine any business plan," the fortune cookie told me, and I swallowed the hot chocolate in my mouth before chewing the cookie.

"Yarbleck," Duck said. He sat next to Yeti, and on either side of me sat Polar Bear and Hawk.

I took another gulp of hot chocolate, the tips of my fingers burning in the coldness of the rundown and broken sushi bar. Every once in a while there would be a massive, tremendous attack of the ground, sending off tremors for miles.

Hawk looked to the broken front door, half hanging and glass shattered. "Are those the dinosaurs in Mind?" he asked.

I nodded. "They are. But don't pay them any attention. They just wander uselessly around. I come from 'Heart', anyway. The concerns of Mind don't have anything to do with me these days."

Light barely made it into the broken sushi bar, but whatever did seemed to glow, providing extra light for us to see clearer.

"So," I started, and Hawk turned form the door to me, "where are you guys from?"

"Parts," Polar Bear replied casually. I looked at him.

"Which parts?"

Polar Bear replied, "Spirit."

Hawk replied, "Capacity."

Duck replied, "Stomach."

Yeti replied, "Body."

"Ahh," I said and looked down at our meals.

The meals looked hideous compared to Clown's cooking. Clown was an ace at cooking.

"Where did Clown go, Cat?" Duck asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I, from 'Heart', was the most close to Clown, as well as the last one to see and speak with him.

"I came in here the next morning and he was gone." It was quite rare for all of us to gather formally, or at all these days. Not since the very day Clown disappeared.

I took another mouthful of hot chocolate. It went down very smoothly. Yeti looked up from his meal.

"We don't find him, we turn to mush." He was all brawn, no brain.

"Not exactly. We join together, physically, to form a new Clown. Except, this 'new' Clown won't have 'us' to be guided by or to boss around." If Clown was the smartest of us, Hawk would be the next in line. I drank my hot chocolate. Hawk was as smart as one of us could get, but Clown as as smart as all of us put together. He was the best.

"Cat, since you were the one who worked with Clown he most, I want you to go to the humans and find us someone who can fill Clown's place." Polar Bear looked at me as he talked.

I nodded my head. "All right. I'll go."

Hawk looked at Polar Bear. "Wait. Someone should go with you, Cat. Polar Bear, since you were the one to suggest it, why don't you go with her?"

"All right. You reasoning is sound. Let's go, Cat. We'll travel to Earth right now. I'll provide you with rear support while we're there." Polar Bear's words were solid feeling. I sipped from the hot chocolate.

Next thing I knew I was laying in a human bed staring up at the ceiling. Everything was dark.

"Humans are different, Cat. You know how to talk with them?"

A deep thunderous voice came from my left. It sounded like Polar Bear, but deeper a little bit. to my left, when I looked, was a pale man with white hair and pale blue eyes.

"Call me Ophelia Loreley. Yes, Polar Bear, I know how to talk with humans. Clown taught me, for the days I would have to go searching for a new one of you."

"Except neither you or I can disappear. We don't talk much, but we'll always be there."

I sat up and looked at myself. To me, I looked normal, but to Polar Bear I probably looked like a human.

"Is that how you look to yourself?" I turned to him and he looked at me.

"We all originated from humans. What's wrong with going letting other see our original forms once in a while?"

"It can kill us? So we must share carefully?"

Polar Bear got out of bed and went to the closet.

"What should I wear?" His voice sounded teasing.

I didn't look at him. I just felt like I was drowning in hot chocolate.

"I don't care. Throw me a bra and some clothes. You should put some shorts on. I don't want to see a human penis more than I have to."

"As I don't want to see human breasts."

He threw me a bra and underwear. I quickly put them on, but I can't remember the proper way. Polar Bear comes and fastens the bra up. He hands me a dress.

"Thank you, Polar Bear--"

He shakes his head.

"Call me Ivan. That's my human name."

"Is all you remember you first name? How long has it been?"

"I don't know... A couple of centuries at least. Polar Bear really stuck with me. For a long time I would say my full name in my head, but one day I forgot it."

"That's terrible. What are you going to do about it?"

I turned around to look at him. His eyes looked clearly into mine.

"I'll be your husband, and take Loreley as my surname. Make something up for your maiden name if anyone asks."

"By the way Pol--Ivan, where are we?"

"Somewhere in Britain. Anyway, that doesn't matter. You need to find another Clown."

Title: The Machine
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 676 words
Summary: The machine stalks me.

Outside the window, across the alley, with the single glowing red eye, is the machine. I've only seen it a handful of times, all of which have been at night. I don't know what it wants, but I'm sure it's nocturnal.

No matter where I am, though, the machine has the ability to find me.

I've asked the Bioroid PM10238s to take extra patrols around my neighborhood, but they all tell me there is nothing amiss.

As I stare down at it watching me, I faintly hear my grandma call me down for dinner. I hesitate for a moment, not wanting to let the phantom-like robot escape.

But at the repeated call of my grandma, I sigh, and head down for dinner.

Tonight, the food is some sort of mix of rice, eggs, ham chunks, and bean sprouts. Globbed all over it is black pepper and hot sauce. All together, it looks like some sort of multicolored porridge.

Not wanting to be impolite, I smile up at he white-haired woman, and take a spoon to the mouth. As chewing, I discover something new: a fully encased shrimp, their unchewable covers protecting their backs from my molars but sadly not the cooking stove.

I threw up a little in my mouth, but swallowed everything down.

When done eating I ran up to my room and looked out the window to spot the machine. Only, it wasn't there.

Feeling let down and almost disappointed in the machine, I laid down on my bed and read a book until I fell asleep.

To the sound of strange and Bioroidic coming from somewhere outside my door I sat up and leap off my bed, grabbing my metal baseball bat.

Just as the door swung open something smashed through my window behind me. Spinning around to look at he object, something else grabbed me from behind.

"Shh," it whispered in its Bioroidic voice as I traveled through my house backwards, and then watched it get smaller and smaller. Soon, I was halfway across the city, still everything in reverse.

At the speed we were traveling at, I didn't even dare to look a who was holding me and pulling me.

There was a sudden thwack! sound, and it was like a dark blanket covered my eyes. Everything went black, everything went silent.

When I woke up I was laying on a bed in some sort of high tech facility, probably underground because of the lack of windows.

The door to my left opens, right next to it being the white camera they probably saw me wake up through. A Bioroid came in, the PM10236 type, followed by two PM10238s.

"Miss Ophi Burns?" the '36 asks.

"Yes? What happened?" The '36's face looked grim as he took a side glance at his two subordinates.

"You are the one who reported to PM Station House 364A-B about the machine with the single red lens at 0948 on Tuesday, June 9th, year 20,853?"

"If that was last week, then yes. It was me who reported it." Its face grew graver, still.

"the machine was sighted last night around your block. At the sighting, twelve PM10234 Bioroids were sent to investigate. Unfortunately, only one was able to escape the battle and try to bring you here for safe keeping. Except, the machine intercepted him and almost captured you. If my PM10238 Bioroids were not there you would have been... We do not know the details, yet, but it is best to keep you here for the time being."

At the time, I thought it was best to not go against what they were telling me. So I stayed.

One day, about a month after the incident with the machine, I found my last moment being huddled in a corner of a three foot thick cement room. The door was five inches of the strongest combination of metals to date, and in the room with me was a single Bioroid, the oldest PM model: PM100.

Suddenly, I felt like the Bioroid professor who got away.

Thanks for looking! I hope you enjoy/ed! ;D

story, ficlet

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