
Mar 03, 2005 20:20

Erin says I must update....so I'm updating. the end. Kidding. Well for those of you whom don't know already I now have a boyfriend. His name is John and we have been going out since Feb. 20. Happy now Erin. Even though you're reading it as I type it. liar no im not :-P If you didn't know, that was Erin. Yup well I'm very happy with him. school is ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

gumonmyshoe05 March 4 2005, 02:35:33 UTC
yea you better update you a-im not gonna update lj in forever-hole. :-P my sisters dumb. ok bye!


l33ch_0 March 5 2005, 16:12:20 UTC
what you do your exhibition on? who was your committee(i think that 's how you spell it)?


ethereaspirit March 6 2005, 04:58:12 UTC
I did it on Early Childhood Development. Ms. Calhoun, Ms. Manning, and Ms. Brown were on my committee. It was easy because it was basiclly about the preschool I work and how you provide quality child care.


l33ch_0 March 7 2005, 00:57:53 UTC
cool. The only person I know is Ms. Calhoun. everybody thought she was an ass but she was pretty cool with me.


ethereaspirit March 13 2005, 19:39:30 UTC
yea me too.


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