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The mobile shop on the picture belonged to OÜ Arto Kaup and serviced people in Audru, Tõstamaa, Varbla, Koonga, Halinga, Paikuse ja Surju districts. The bus stopped the selling trips in beginning of 2006. The image and information come from local newspaper
Pärnu Postimees I read in news that the shops on wheels, that are the only way some older people in villages can get to shop are disappearing, along with the old people and the far off villages.
That made me wonder and look up other services on wheels. There is the bank on wheels (they have both live tellers and ATMs in their bus):
There is the bookshop on wheels, belonging to the "Rahva Raamat" chain:
The library on wheels (for Tallinn Central Library) is at the moment being built by Finnish business Kiitokori OY. Tallinn Central Library asks the readers to name the bus and propose the stops for the bus that will be ready next year.
And, of course there are couple of places from where one can rent a sauna on wheels!