Laku panni!

Aug 02, 2010 10:48

Другие записи: Sweet Thursday | Время... | Eesti ubinad | Дареному коню - да в зубы

When supergee linked to a site about Top 10 hand gestures you’d better get right, aynathie commented:

"The "fica" gesture is indeed Italian but I've never actually seen it done (either face to face or in film or tv), only read about it in old literature. It may still be in use in some parts of Italy, but it's certainly not widespread."

I suppose the fica or fig gesture (local names being trääs in Estonian and кукиш or шиш in Russian) arrived to Estonia through Russia and if it may also be more well known thorough older fiction, in no way has it been forgotten.

In fact I encountered the gesture today in bus, on an advertisement of a text message loan business. The add had been glued to the bus window and looked like this:

“Do not hope to get a legacy from a rich Canadian uncle, take out a loan NOW!”

The uncle showing the fig is supposedly writing a will that leaves the house to his Canadian wife, the money to a charity and for the Estonian relatives - Laku panni! (lick the skillet!) THIS is all you get!
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