I decided to catch up on Smallville so I can watch the finale, because of the spoiler everyone knows about.
Then it turns out that I quit watching it right when it turned into a good show. This show has fucked me SO MANY WAYS that I feel like it might be my longest term relationship.
If you're pondering catching up for the series finale, just fucking do it. Look, I'll put it this way--
I have hated Lois Lane since I was ten. Suddenly I kind of like her. Smallville without Lana or the mythos they made up for the show is a great show. WHAT THE HELL?
Fuck it, I'll cut this and actually include specific spoilers--
There's a Booster Gold episode. Oh yeah.
But tune in JUST for Daniel Jackson playing Hawkman who is ALSO AN EGYPTOLOGIST. WHAT? I said WHAT?
Listen, this show and I have had a very rocky relationship, but I realize it was inevitable we got back together. I made it buy me a car first, though.
I know you're skeptical as HELL, but without Lana and the fucking lameass Lionel plot, this shit is actually kind of golden. They realized Ollie was awesome, realized Chloe deserved someone awesome, then shoved that together like an ice cream sandwich. I'm an old skool Chloe/Clark shipper, but Chloe/Oliver is sort of even better because he hasn't dicked her over and lied to her for ten fucking years. And also, she's Oracle.
Justin Hartley is hot. Why is this not still fannip? Is it because there's too much canon? It went on too long? Honestly, you can skip the first eight seasons.
Once again I am all alone in my Smallville het shipping. I guess that was a predictable circle.
Whatever, I know the show's canceled because no one watches it anymore rather than because it ran the extent of its viable life. Especially since it only found its feet in its 9th season. Idiots.