report cards are this friday(i think) and im not failing english for a change yup ring dance was fun and im glad i went instead of doing nuthin on friday nights as always i hope my grades are still good so i can go to fight paris and i hope to get a new job soon so i can quit wendy's yea.....
yea things have been pretty good this week went by kind fast o well ring dance is tomorrow i hope there are some people there that i can chill with there should be and that damn tux i rented, sucked up any kind of money i hoped on spending on cd's and shit o well atleast theres no school on monday later kids
after many threats and pleas i have a.... myspace BUT i stuck to my word i had no intention of gettin/making one but a couple of people *cough* david,chelsea*cough* decided to take it upon theirselves in makin me a my/satan/scene space yea just thought that you should know that...