Title: Ice Skating
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG for implied sexual activities
Disclaimer: I didn't get them for Christmas after all. *pout*
Spoilers: None
Summary: Jack wants to go skating. Ianto doesn't.
Author's Note: Drabble (exactly 100 words) written for January 1st on
redismycolour. I decided to try to take part at the very last moment (i.e. about an hour ago...)
Ice Skating
“How about the Ferris wheel instead?” Ianto was getting desperate.
“You know, there we could snuggle up together.” He wasn’t above using his body to influence Jack.
“Maybe later.” Jack wasn’t swayed, dragging Ianto through the crowds.
Ianto had been pleased at Jack’s suggestion of the winter fair, and the opportunity for some normality, but he was drawing the line at ice skating. Last time he’d been black and blue for days.
Which was a thought…
“If I fall on my arse, you won’t be getting near it tonight.”
Jack paused, thought, and pulled Ianto to the Ferris wheel.