Title: Hope
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Gwen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They're still not mine.
Spoilers: None
Summary: The trio head out in the cold.
Author's Note Sequel to
Lost and
Information. Written for
day twenty-four of
redismycolour. 100 words exactly.
Happy Birthday to my sister
“It’s so cold,” Gwen grumbled as they closed the door behind them and looked out towards the brilliant white landscape.
It had snowed heavily while they slept, and the snow was undisturbed.
“I know it is,” Jack said, buttoning up his greatcoat. “But just eight miles in…”
Ianto pointed. “That direction.”
“Yes, that direction, there’s a town, where we can find out where we are, when we are, and figure out how to get back.” Jack’s tone was relentlessly optimistic, brooking no disappointments.
And so, with only hope to keep them warm inside, they tramped out across the untrodden snow.