Title: The ASBO Kids (aka There's Something In The Water)
et-muse and
angelzbabe1989Fandom: Torchwood RPF
Characters/Pairings: John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Kai Owen, Gareth David-Lloyd, Tom Price. Mentions of significant others.
Rating: PG-13 for use of a curse word or two.
Disclaimer: Although real-life incidents are mentioned, any similarity this may have to real events is coincidental. All of the people mentioned herein own themselves, obviously.
Summary: Gareth's starting to wonder if the Torchwood set really does have a one-track mind.
Authors' Note: Inspired by recent announcements and a strange conversation we had on MSN...
The ASBO Kids (aka There's Something In The Water)
“The books really don't prepare you for the real thing.”
“You think they’re exaggerating when they say ‘grab your sleep while the baby does’ but they’re really not.”
“Take every night where filming overran, add them together and double it, and that's what you'll feel like the first couple of weeks.”
“I don't know how single parents manage it, because even with two of us it was exhausting.”
“We ended up sleeping in shifts while the other one took care of the baby. It was the only way to get any rest.”
John looked back and forth between the two new parents overly eager to impart their knowledge upon him. The sheer torrent of information that had erupted at the mere mention of baby books was almost overwhelming.
“Not that I don't believe you, because I do, but you do know it's too late to scare me out of the idea, right?”
“Not scare. Just… prepare.”
“Forewarned is forearmed and all that. Might as well use our experiences. When they place your baby in your arms though, nothing we say can prepare you for that.”
Gareth rolled his eyes in exasperation as Eve, Kai and John's faces all took on identical dreamy looks. He understood that they were excited about the new and forthcoming additions to their families, but talk between takes had been nothing but babies since the start of filming. One day was fine, two days was tolerable, but after a week, it was almost enough to drive him to drink.
“Oh for fuck’s sake! Can’t you lot talk anything but babies now?”
He felt three pairs of eyes turn to bore through him and threw his hands up defensively. “Don’t get me wrong, I love being ‘Uncle Gareth’ to Ieuan and Bethan, but they’ve been the only topic of conversation all week! Could we maybe talk about something else for just ten minutes? Please?”
The looks turned contemplative.
“I’m thinking there was a little bit too much protesting there,” Kai murmured, deliberately loud enough for Gareth to overhear.
“I think he’s just worried that if he’s too enthusiastic about babies it will get back to Gemma,” John agreed.
Kai nodded. “And then they would actually have to talk about the possibilities. Make some decisions.”
“You never know, guys, they're getting married in less than two months; surely they've had that conversation already!” Eve punctuated her comment by looking back at Gareth, who looked utterly bemused at the conversation.
He shook his head and started to back away. “I am not having this conversation with you people!”
“But have you had it with Gemma, is the important thing?” Kai prodded as Gareth continued to back away.
“Oh come on,” John pouted. “Enquiring minds want to know! We can always just ask Gemma…”
“Tom!” Gareth called, spotting the other Welsh actor as he entered the set. “You need to come save me!”
“What do you mean save you?” Tom asked as he approached the group.
“Well... actually, firstly - your wife hasn't been having any odd cravings lately has she?”
“Bit of an odd question mate. Why on earth is that important?”
“It just is,” Gareth said. “Now please tell me she hasn't.”
Tom shook his head slowly, still a little bewildered. “No...”
“Perfect!” Gareth exclaimed, taking Tom's arm to steer him away. He jerked a thumb at the others. “I was beginning to worry that there was something in the bloody water. All this lot want to do is talk babies, and I need an escape.”
Tom laughed and let himself be led away. “So, how are the final wedding plans going, then?”
Comments are love!