Title: Fun On A Flat Surface
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Grissom/Sara
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: They're not mine, honestly.
Spoilers: None
Summary: An encounter in the kitchen
Author's Note: Re-posting from my site of drabble written ages ago.
Fun On A Flat Surface
Sara gasped as her thighs hit the edge of the dining table. Grissom’s lips trailed down her neck as he bent her over it.
“Gil…” Her suggestion of the bedroom was forgotten as his hands snaked up to tweak her nipples. Her arousal mounting, she reached down to free his straining erection as he edged her skirt up and stripped her of her sopping panties.
A single thrust and he was inside. It was fast, and hard, and they were soon crying out their ecstasy.
“Remind me to scrub that table before breakfast…” Sara murmured as they stumbled to bed.