Title: So Easy To Leave Me
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters, Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Estelle
Rating: G
Disclaimer: If I was the one who owned Torchwood, you think I'd admit it now?
Spoilers: Vague for 1x05 'Small Worlds'.
Summary: She’d have been eighty-eight today.
Author's Note: Something that came to me at work today. Sort of a prequel to yesterday's
Burnt Out Ends Of Smoky Days. Title is from another line from the song 'Memory' from Cats.
So Easy To Leave Me
“She’d have been eighty-eight today.”
Jack voice was sombre as Ianto quietly set the mug on his desk.
The photograph Jack held was of a much younger woman than the lady Ianto had met.
“And it’s my fault she’s gone,” Jack continued despondently. “If I had just…”
“Don’t,” Ianto interrupted fiercely. “You can’t keep blaming yourself, you’ll drive yourself mad.”
He touched a finger to the photo. “Remembering is good, but don’t let guilt and grief eat away at you. Remember the happy times instead, and she’ll live on forever in you.”
Jack nodded slowly, smiled. “You’re right. I will.”
Comments and con-crit welcomed as always. Comments = &hearts