Merlin: The Drinking Game (s3 version)

Oct 24, 2010 02:37

Still in the early stages of 'development', but already has enough rules that we'd have been sloshed this week...

Suggestions are more than welcome, and any I like will be added :)

So far...

Drink when...

  • Morgana displays her EvilSmirk (tm)
  • There is gratuitous shirtlessness (two drinks if it's anyone other than Arthur)
  • Arthur is conveniently unconscious to allow Merlin to do magic
  • Merlin has a good idea that Arthur insists on ignoring
  • Arthur and/or Merlin leave Camelot
  • Morgana sneaks out to meet Morgause, somehow not raising suspicion despite her lack of sneakiness

  • Morgana and Morgause display a sexual tension inappropriate for half-sisters
  • Gwen is flirted with by a future Knight of the Round Table
  • Sir Leon (aka Sir Regular-Speaking-Part) has a line
  • Gaius tries to talk Merlin out of something
  • Someone other than Merlin performs magic
  • The dragon is cryptic
  • Arthur throws something at Merlin


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