Title: Brokeback Manor
et_muse and
angelzbabe1989Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, also mentions of Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh
Rating: Mature/R (This chapter: PG)
Disclaimer: We asked for Jack and Ianto for Christmas, but no one came through...
Summary: What happened next?
Authors' Note: Yes, this is the final part... for now. We do have vague plans for a sequel (with extensive flashbacks) but it won't be for a while due to angelzbabe's exam committments.
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Epilogue
Pushing the drawer of the filing cabinet shut, Ianto looked around the archives. Finally, after three weeks, they were in order again. The Doctor and Donna had stuck around for the first two weeks to help him, the others all afraid of invading Ianto's domain. Whilst Donna had lived up to her Super-Temp reputation, the Doctor had been as much of a hindrance as a help, easily distracted by the details and artefacts in the vaults. Ianto didn't mind though; as a result of his musings and stories, several items had finally been identified and could be removed from the far-too-full 'miscellaneous' section.
Their parting from the team a week ago had been a hug filled affair, Ianto finding himself enamoured with the Doctor despite his best efforts to the contrary. He'd been determined to despise the Doctor; he was the one person in all time and space for whom Jack might willingly leave him.
Martha had hitched a lift home with the departing duo, convincing the Doctor that he couldn't leave Earth without visiting the family. Her visit to the Torchwood team had only strengthened Jack's resolve that she would be much better fitted into Torchwood than UNIT - Ianto suspected this emerged more from Jack's determination to meddle in the affairs of those he loved than any genuine concern. His devotion to this subject had, however, kept him distracted from interfering with any of the other developments surrounding his team.
Their time together in the coma reality had strengthened Gwen's conviction and devotion to Rhys; Rhys was merely determined that he was never picking Gwen up from work again, as any involvement with Torchwood led to "Bloody weird things happening."
More significant had been the developments between Owen and Tosh. Ianto had seen them dancing warily around each other before the Melomarn visit, and their closer relationship in 'Coma World' - as Ianto had privately dubbed it - seemed to be pulling them together in reality. For his own sake almost as much as their own he hoped this was true; Tosh was a dear friend who truly deserved someone to love her, and perhaps if Owen was busy romancing Tosh he'd spend less time devising ways to bother him.
The only thing that had drawn Jack's attention from pestering Martha was Ianto's own relationship with the man. Their adventure into a world where their love was kept so strictly secret had created in them both a strong desire to be more public in real life. Ianto was used to the saucy comments which Jack had always produced in front of anyone, but Jack was now finally letting his more tender and romantic side be seen by the others, drawing a few teasing comments but primarily making Ianto feel cherished.
Ianto was drawn from his musings by a pair of strong arms slipping around his waist, and warm lips being pressed gently to his nape.
"What are you thinking about, Cariad?" Jack questioned as Ianto turned in his embrace.
Smiling, both at the endearment and the man who had used it, Ianto slipped his hands around Jack's neck. "Nothing important," he replied, as he raised his lips to his lover’s.
Final Authors' Note: Originally, back when this fic was just a little baby one-shot, finding a happy ending for it was not a real problem. However once it developed into something longer, we quickly realized that the only way for it to end was to do the classic ‘it was all a dream’ thing - after all there was no way for the traditional regency romance novel ending of ‘they get married and live happily ever after’ to work (and believe us we considered every possible idea we could!). But we wanted to do it comically, so we created the Melomarn and their coma-creating device, and enlisted the help of the Doctor and Donna. We hoped you liked the fic as much as we loved writing it.
et_muse and