Title: Guilt
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa, also eventual hints of Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh
Rating: R (some later chapters NC-17)
Disclaimer: Torchwood is not mine. No matter how much I sometimes wish it was.
Spoilers: Better say everything through s2, just to be sure. Begins pre-S1.
Summary: Lisa moves to the Hub...
Thanks to: My beta
cazmalfoy for all her wonderful work, and my cheerleaders
angelzbabe1989 and
piper08 for putting up with me when I whine about being stuck.
Author's Note: Last chapter of 2008 - and I've had to practically sneak away to get the chance to post this! Also, happy birthday
All comments and concrit welcomed!
Fic starts
here All previous chapters Chapter Ten
Ianto’s words brought a wave of panic over Lisa; Torchwood knew about her. It took Ianto a while, but eventually he managed to calm her down enough so he could explain. After his soothing words, Lisa slowly accepted their fledgling plan, feeling thankful that someone was going to help her - help Ianto.
An old storage room, just off the main Hub floor, had been cleared out. Its disorganised contents had been added to the growing ‘to be archived… eventually’ pile that had been accumulating since long before Jack took control of Torchwood Three.
The empty room had been scrubbed and sterilised. Ianto had taken pains to try to disguise the fact that it was still an old storage room in an underground base.
Just under a fortnight after Ianto had begun his new job, he and the rest of the team had assembled in the dead of night to perform the tricky task of moving Lisa to her new home.
Lisa had, with her permission, been sedated again for the trip. The move itself was fraught with problems - if it hadn’t been for the careful planning-for-all-eventualities approach Ianto had forced the team to take things could have gone downhill very quickly.
Nevertheless, by morning Lisa had been comfortably settled into her new room and was back on the painkiller-only drip.
A week later and things were beginning to settle into a pattern - of sorts. Even without the sedative mixture, Lisa slept a lot. Ianto filled most of his days with his mission to clean and organise the Hub.
Soon the multitude of empty takeaway containers and coffee cups had been disposed of, the coffee machine had been dragged out of forced retirement and he was determined that the Tourist Office would actually resemble one by the end of the week.
The pterodactyl - which Jack had taken to calling ‘Myfanwy’ - was also set with a clean nest at the top of the Hub. Jack treated her like a puppy, leaving her to fly freely around the large expanse of space whenever she wanted.
Ianto wasn’t sure if he was anticipating or dreading a request to sort out the archives. They clearly needed it - and he knew he could do a good job there - but he couldn’t be entirely sure that if he were to take on the task and descend into the murky depths of their disorganisation, he would ever find his way back to the surface.
Torchwood One had employed an entire team of archivists, hawkishly controlling Torchwood’s vast amount of information; if Torchwood Three had ever employed even one he would be astounded.
For the most part, even when they were in the Hub and not out investigating some sighting or another, the rest of the team left him to it, not wishing to get in the way of his Hub cleanup.
He did draw the odd guilty look when he sighed over the incredible - and previously assumed impossible - places he found empty coffee cups jammed. Even Owen had apologised once for the state they had allowed the Hub to fall into.
On his third day, after the rescue of the coffee machine, he had made a round of drinks for everyone - saving them a trip to the coffee shop and himself a set of empty cups to discover and dispose of. If the reactions from the team were any indication, then this part of the ‘food and drink’ he had offered Jack was going to be taken up with gusto; especially on Jack’s part.
When he occasionally found himself frustrated by the lack of movement in the undertaking to help Lisa, he would stop to consider what had been done. Lisa was conscious again and the little room at the Hub was undoubtedly more comfortable than her previous situation.
Ianto had found a kindred spirit in Toshiko and she had devoted an evening or two to helping him scour the massive anthology of contacts available to Torchwood in the hope of finding someone with a little more expertise in the subject that they could ask for assistance.
They hadn’t found anyone yet, but they were only a tiny way into the list, so Ianto wasn’t giving up hope that someone would be found.
Owen had done a short examination upon her arrival, but was giving her a chance to settle into her new home before he started any more invasive investigations.
Just a few days more and the work would truly begin. They would help Lisa, she would be cured and everything would be right again.
Chapter Eleven