Guilt - 29/70ish

Mar 08, 2009 16:05

Title: Guilt
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Torchwood is not mine. No matter how much I sometimes wish it was.
Spoilers: Better say everything through s2, just to be sure. Begins pre-S1.
Summary: Could Dr. Tanizaki be what Ianto and Tosh have been looking for?

Thanks to: My beta cazmalfoy for all her wonderful work, and my cheerleaders angelzbabe1989 and piper08 for putting up with me when I whine about being stuck.

Fic starts here
Previous chapters at my master list

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Ianto and Tosh’s heads were bent close together as they bickered gently over the precise wording of the email they were composing. Jack had attempted to help earlier, but been shooed away, after being told that his ‘helping’ was entirely unhelpful.

Dr. Tanizaki, as it turned out, was almost exactly what they’d been looking for. His research and experience could provide them with invaluable assistance.

Thus why, after several hours examining every shred of information on the man, and a long discussion with Jack, Ianto and Tosh were attempting to send out their first contact.

Despite their current dispute, they had actually agreed on the outline for the content of the email. They knew they couldn’t give too much away, especially before they knew him or even if he would be willing to help. They definitely couldn’t mention Lisa’s name, and if possible, they even wanted to avoid using the word ‘Cyberman’.

No, this first email had to be phrased very much as an astonishingly vague hypothetical situation. Only if and when he offered help would they consider letting him in on the reality.

“Don’t you think that sounds a little too desperate?” Tosh’s voice conveyed subdued exasperation.

“But if we make it sound any less urgent, he won’t be bothered to respond quickly,” Ianto argued. “We don’t have forever to wait on a reply.”

Tosh sighed, leaning over to delete Ianto’s sentence and replace it with one of her own. “How about that, then? A compromise.”

Ianto read what she had written and nodded half-heartedly. It wasn’t exactly what he wanted, but he sensed that he wasn’t going to be able to push Tosh any further on this one. They’d already been forced to reach a compromise on several other points through the email and a growing part of him just wanted to get it finished and sent.

Pulling the keyboard over, Tosh typed in a few more lines, looking at Ianto with pleading eyes that clearly said ‘please just say these are fine’.

Ianto shrugged, assenting silently. “Okay, are we done then?”

Tosh quickly read through the complete text and nodded. “I think so. All that’s left is to send it.”

Reaching over, Ianto grabbed hold of the mouse and with a hint of a ceremonial flourish, clicked the ‘send’ button at the top of the screen.

An alert flashed up on the screen just as the send confirmation did the same.

Tosh and Ianto turned from the computer to Jack’s office simultaneously.


Their Captain’s head poked around the glass door he had retreated behind after being unceremoniously told to shove off earlier.


“Picking up an alert from Cardiff PD,” Tosh told him. “Suspicious reports out near Llanrumney.”

“Casualties? Witnesses?” Jack asked, stepping out of his office. “Anything instantly identifiable?”

“As far as I can tell, no casualties as yet,” Tosh said, quickly reading over again the report her scanning program had picked out of the local police chatter. “Couple of witnesses, and it doesn’t sound like a Weevil attack, but…”

“So we check it out, interview the witnesses ourselves and see if we can’t figure it out.” Jack nodded decisively.

Running across the raised area, he called Owen and Suzie over, letting them know they should get themselves ready to head out.

Turning back, he noticed that Tosh was already doing the same, but Ianto was just standing there, looking a little unsure as to what he should be doing.

Making a snap decision, Jack decided to test out Ianto’s people skills. They had witnesses to be questioned, and he had a feeling Ianto might be good at it.

“Ianto!” He waited until he had the younger man’s attention once more. “Get your coat, you’re coming too.”

He had turned away when a thought struck him and he swung back around. “Oh, and if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, a thermos of your lovely coffee would be great. It mixes wonderfully with Retcon.”

Attempting, and failing, to mask his surprise, Ianto froze for a few seconds before moving swiftly past Jack and heading for the coffee machine.

Just over ten minutes later, the team piled into the SUV, and headed for the trouble.

Chapter Thirty
All comments and concrit welcomed! (Comments = Love <3)

tw: ianto/lisa, tw: jack/ianto, rating: pg/pg-13, fandom: torchwood, fic: guilt, fanfic, length: 40000+, verse: guilt

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