Title: Guilt
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Torchwood is not mine. No matter how much I sometimes wish it was.
Spoilers: Better say everything through s2, just to be sure, although it takes place pre-S1.
Summary: Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you. - Well, what if he did?
This chapter: Can the team find something to help Lisa?
Thanks to: My beta
cazmalfoy for all her wonderful work, and my cheerleaders
angelzbabe1989 and
piper08 for putting up with me when I whine about being stuck.
Fic starts
here Previous chapters at my master list Chapter Sixty-One
The team were extremely grateful that both Rift activity and Weevil sightings were down over the next several days, as all of their efforts were being concentrated on helping Ianto help Lisa. After all of the time and effort they had put in before into helping the young woman, none of them wanted it to be all for naught.
Not to mention the effect they all knew failure would have on Ianto.
Tosh’s perusal of the rest of database search listings didn’t yield any more fruit than Ianto’s beginnings had. There were a few extreme long shots, but nothing that really stood out and looked helpful.
She wrote them down anyway, and gave Ianto the item numbers, but between them, they decided that none of them were worth actually mounting any sort of search for. If he happened to come across them along the way, then that was all very well, but an actual search was pointless.
For Ianto’s part, he had been splitting his time between Lisa and the archives, only appearing in the main Hub periodically to brew a new pot of coffee or when Tosh or Jack forced him to; reminding him that he had to eat sometimes.
If Jack didn’t physically walk him to the door in the late hours of each night, it was a very real possibility that he would spend the whole night in the archives, forgoing sleep to sort through another batch of artefacts.
Jack had spent countless hours down in the archives with Ianto, doing his best to identify mysterious unknown artefacts in the hopes that one of them might turn out to be something they could use to help Lisa.
Nothing definite had turned up yet, although Ianto was at least gratified that a few items could be taken off the huge unidentified list. He had scribbled notes on the labels of any items Jack identified, as well as on his location list, so that he could input the extra information into the database and make sure the items were put into the right places when he came back through the section later to move things into their new categorised locations.
And while they had yet to find anything identifiable as something that would almost definitely help, they had assembled a small but growing pile of items that warranted further investigation. These items, while Jack didn’t recognise them, either looked vaguely similar to something he did recognise, or just generally had the look of something that could be useful.
These items had been, bit by bit, brought up into the Hub - usually when Ianto came up to work his magic with the coffee machine - and Suzie and Owen had started running them through the wide variety of scans and tests that had not existed in the 20s, 30s and 40s, when the majority of the items had been brought in. They repeated many of those that had been available for decades too, just to be absolutely certain.
Only been three of the items had been completely tested by the time Tosh finished going through the database, so she, Owen and Suzie each took one artefact and its associated test results to examine further.
Owen, after winning a game of rock-paper-scissors for the dubious pleasure of having first choice, decided on a strange metallic spidery clamp-like device that, according to Torchwood 1926, had ‘an odd effect when placed on the head’. He hoped that with the benefit of the latest tests, he might be able to refine ‘odd effect’ into something definite and possibly useful.
Tosh, when given second choice, had chosen the most obscure of the three items, a small dense ball of unidentified composition, picked out by Jack and Ianto because of the plethora of leads sprouting from it, some of which had connectors at the other end that strongly resembled those used for contemporary EEG scans. She knew there was at least an even chance that its use would be completely unrelated, but there was always the chance that it could prove instead to be exactly what they were looking for.
Which left Suzie with the third item. From appearances, it appeared to be some sort of glove or gauntlet, but the peculiar readings it gave out led to the suspicion that it was far more than just an item of protective clothing or armour.
Chapter Sixty-TwoAll comments and concrit welcomed! (Comments = Love <3)