So here I am writing about a Supernatural episode. I haven’t done that in a while, nor have I watched one 3 times, but I enjoyed the episode and it was layered. It was definitely the kind of episode that requires a second viewing, plus I was in a hotel room in Boston while it aired. I was a little interrupted during the time.
It seems to me that the whole episode is a script, therefore, was any of it real? For that matter will the writers decide to say the whole season was the work of Metatron? I hope not!
Metatron is so incredibly evil and smarmy! I can’t stand him. His blah blah blah was boring, but it was suppose to be. I would like to see him disintegrated. My mom is convinced that Dean might kill Metatron. I am hoping that Gadreel does as a final act of redemption or something. It all gets so muddled. There is the story that needs to be told and then there is the 9 year structure of Sam and Dean being the center of the story. So probably, Sam or Dean will end Metatron, or perhaps Cas.
But maybe if we are super lucky it will be Gabriel doing the smiting. God I squealed when he showed up!
But he did seem off, and by the third watch he was most definitely off. I hold out hope he is alive.
Dean….Dean..Dean, the darkside has you doesn’t it? He looked so old, tired, and spent. He almost looked a little like Cain. I’m glad that Cas now realizes that Dean has the mark of Cain. I don’t know what they will do with this.
And two things at the end:
1. Gadreel looks like he is ready to double cross Metatron
2. Cas didn’t choose to lead that group. Everything that Metatron writes happens.
Dean wants to “sneak onto the Death Star and take out the Emperor. “ So is Dean more Luke now and Sam more Han Solo? Is Dean is the magical one at the moment who needs the normal human’s support?
Remember what the Emperor said: “I have foreseen this”. And remember also that Luke told him that his weakness was his over confidence. Metatron is a fool if he forgets that Team Freewill has torn up the script before.