Newest Chapter [Naruto 437]

Feb 27, 2009 23:18

If you wish to read. Lot's of cursing.

First things first, I got to say. WELL. SHIT.

I admit I've been really enjoying the Naruto chapters lately.
Usually I would just breeze through the newest chapters only looking at four or six pages but Chapter 436 got me unexpectedly hooked and kept me reading. I was actually enjoying Naruto Shippuden for the first time in ages! And it left me with a tingly sensation. Maybe Kishimoto finally got LAID!

Surprisingly, I was itching to see the latest chapter. I was working today at my usual job as a waitress, my younger sister popped by to keep me company for the rest of my work hours. The day was slow due to the sudden change in climate so I took my phone and dialed home to talk to my brother. Who just happens to be my BESTEST friend in the whole entire FrEaking universe!~! My sister and I sat on a table as I talked about the usual to my brother.

"What are you doing?"
"Watching a science fiction anime." Yeah shit like that.

Then all of a sudden he was like.

"Wha! Wha! What happened?!!?" (My brother rarely shouts)
"The newest Naruto chapter is named 'Confession'!"
"Uh, yeah. So?"
"It's Hinata centered!"
"Is she confessing!?" ><
"Wait! I'm reading it!"

Approximately, 5 minutes later.

"I'm melting!"
"I'm melting!!!!!!!"
"He's melting." I told blandly to my sister who was arching her eyebrow at me. She just shrugged and continued reading her XXXHolic volume.

"I've got to save this chapter!"
"Oh, you mean like how I save all these SteinMedusa moments into my computer?"
"You've got to read this!"
"Okay, I will."
"Yay! Hinata! Finally!"
"Shit. She confesses right?"
"I won't say."
"I like Hinata."
"What? I thought you hated her?"
"Well, actually I don't really care about her. I like her sometimes and sometimes I don't."
"Uh, yeah...oookaay."
"I used to really like her in the beginning but I've been a hardcore Ino fan in like forever."
"Well too bad for you, Ino's not with Shikamaru right now."
"Aww! Well, whatever."
"He's with that Shiho girl"
"Wha?!? Heck, Shikamaru with Temari is better! Anything but her!"
"Heh, too bad for you."
"Shut up!" >///<
"*SIGH* I'm falling in love with Naruto/Hinata all over again~!"

Anyways, we ended up talking about good Naruto action and stuff. And the minute I got home he rushed me right into his computer so I could read the chapter.
So, I admit to enjoying the chapter though the initial thought I got on the first page was "What the FUCK?!? Hinata's staring at Naruto's butt. What's the big idea?!"

The Pein and Naruto stuff was interesting and the pacing was great. The fast appearances of the other characters was nostalgic and I confess to smiling when I saw Gai-sensei. Seeing the characters even if for a glance was nice because lately I've been feeling like Kishi's been throwing all these good characters in the garbage.

As for the rest?

I breezed through it like pie.

But then I had a sudden shock. HINATA. JUST. CONFESSED... FUCK.
And right when I was in the middle of a NaruSaku mood. FUCK.

Before I got crazy, I decided to clam down and contemplate about it for a while.
Reality check.

- Up until recently Naruto manga has been really in the sewers. In "recently" I mean 3 chapters ago.

- Naruto manga had no energy and lots of panels had been just a waste of space.

- Kishimoto killed off and screwed up a lot of well respected characters that didn't deserve to have what happened to them, happen to them. (Orochimaru, Itachi, Jiraya and the grandpa frog) I just hope he doesn't kill off Kakashi, who is probably the only guy in the history of Naruto to not be fucked up or thrown in the garbage.

- Although, it's popularity is waaaay up, it honestly doesn't deserve such a seat. (As for right now)

And then BAM! NaruHina's are back on track with their frenzy. Well, this is what I think. Kishimoto was desperate and wanted to get some attention. I mean really, think about it for a second.

"If killing off Itachi didn't do much and Jiraya wasn't such a blockbuster maybe rocking the boats of the couple fandom should do the trick. People would do anything for love. I'll get moar attention. WooHoo!"

Well, I guess Kishi really didn't get laid.

Off topic: Playing around with my cousins PSP is fun. Maybe I should get one.

rants, anime/manga:naruto

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