Reborn Stuff [Newest Chapter 236/Opening/Ending]

Apr 05, 2009 17:39

FINALLY! Even though I usually put Reborn in a negative connotation now a days, I figured it was from my older brother who keeps on dissing every chapter. -.- Seriously, why bother reading it if you don't like it.

Anyways, I was very pleased with this chapter, because you go to admit that the girls of Reborn have a stupid twist to them. And what better way of making them use that twist by boycotting the boys by not doing house chores! Very amusing.

I just loved looking at their serious faces, a nice difference compared to their "hunky dory" selves.

I completely enjoyed the Ryohei-ness too! X3

Looking for more Red Rover between the boys and the girls.


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KUDOS to Reborn for finally using a different band/person for their opening!
The song is sung by Kazuki Kato, and I just love his voice! Definitely refreshing, compared to listening to L.M.C all the time. And I prefer it more than the "Last Cross" one.

I adored the serious-ness of the girls yet again! <3 And that hinted 27K moment was adoreable! <3333


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The daily life vibe is so nice! Animals are too cute! >3< And I love/adore Aya Ueto's voice! I actually look forward to hearing her voice in another ending!


anime, anime/manga:reborn

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