If you have not read or plan to read the latest chapters of Naruto from Japan please skip my post
**************SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 437 of NARUTO **************
HOLY MOTHER OF THE GODDESS..... She said it, she actually said a whole lot to him. She told him how his smile saved her and that he taught her never to give up and that she wanted to beat him and become strong and to be with him... and that She Loved him..... and that if she can protect him her death will be worth it.... NOOOOOOOooooooooo
Then she attacks Pain and get KO... she better not be dead... I will totally lose it if Kishimoto kills her here. Naruto's reaction says a lot. He doesn't say anything, just stares at her, but his expression says a lot. Once she's down he goes straight from in control to 6 Tails.... he's never NEVER done that before... and that's where the chapter ended.... Le sigh.. I'm going to go nuts waiting for next weeks Chapter. Naru/Hina fans wait with bated breath as to where Kishimoto will go with this. If this is her swan song I don't know what to think... that means in Kishimoto's world that everything Naruto believe's in is false. That you can work really hard for your dreams, stand up for what you believe in and never make them come true.... She better be still alive, she's got to be because she may be the only person left to get Naruto out of the Kyuubi form with Kakashi & Jiraiya gone, Yamato off with Danzo, the frogs are out and Tsunade injured. I'm sure there are some Sakura fans out there who will disagree with me... I suppose there is always the chance that Sasuke will show up, but I hope not. This is an important moment and we don't need something else for the Yaoi fangirls to play with.
Anyhow, I just had to rant a little.