Title: Falling Skies
Cal, Gillian, Emily, Loker, Torres, Reynolds, Zoe, apoca!fic, pg-13
Words: ~4800
Author’s Notes: A massive thank you to
tempertemper and
iam_space for the awesome double-beta! This fic would be a lesser version of itself (not to mention more British) without them
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Comments 42
*continues gasping*
I... whoa. That was epic, and I really mean that. You kept them all excellently in character even through everything. Wow.
(Also, I didn't know anyone else had the idea of writing LTM apocafic! Mine was just in the idea stage, but still! Craziness.)
(OH, please write yours! I'd love to read it.)
You brought Reynolds back. REYNOLDS. For that alone I could kiss you. Or hug if you prefer. ;) And it was epic and awesome and you had him and Gillian pretend to stargaze and of course it'd take the end of the world for Cal to apologize to him and of course he'd die being a hero. And Torres. And Loker! Oh Loker. And of course at the end of the world, Cal and Gillian get together for like a second before he's gone and I'm torn between flailing like crazy and crying because you killed like everyone. There's just too much awesome in this to even comprehend. You had everyone together and it was beautiful as the world fell apart only to kill them all and jsaldkfjls;dkjfalsdkfjasf. The part with Zoe was so heartbreaking as well. That'd be so like her to say all that to Em and hang up. Guh. Way to just rip out my heart like that.
I freaking love you for this. ♥ x infinity.
♥ So, so glad you loved this. Thank you.
No. Scratch that. Incredible doesn't do it justice.
This was..perfect.
I don't know what to say.
Just, poetic.
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