This is a cross post to the KGB B-board, but I figured I should put it here too, since I think people read LJ more than they read the B-board
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I have a question, and please forgive me if I sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about because, well, I don't. I run an older version of fvwm2rc as my window manager, only it's got all sorts of random modifications that Nirav Davé helped me with when we were but wee freshmen. I think when either your year or the year after came in most of these modifications were broken by the fact that they put Gnome on all of the machines. Is there any way, with all of these modifications you've come up with for fixing KDE, that perhaps my old modifications could be made to work again?
I hope that made more sense to you than it did to me.
The answer is yes. My fvwm configuration stuff is just to so I have some fvwm configs to hand n00bs. All you need is a patch or two to your .login and .xinitrc. Actually, if you just copy the .login and .xinitrc from ~mbrewer/public/working_home it should work.
Update. There's also a tar file ~mbrewer/public/working_home.tgz. untar that over a home directory for the full configuration (good for freshpeople). I also patched a few things to make it look better
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I hope that made more sense to you than it did to me.
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