Title: You Call Me Like the Moon Characters: John, Sherlock Rating: PG-13 Length: 3000 words Summary: John's a doctor. But when he's not a doctor, he's a werewolf. Notes: Written for baskervillehall's Lupercalia Challenge.
I'm loving wolf!John and human!Sherlock and just the way they interact (and part of me would love to see them working together, not to mention Lestrade's face when they show up like that, but nevermind me...)
Christ this is great. I love, love, love, love werewolf!John. I also love that he was more dangerous before the Army, not less; I wonder how long it will take Sherlock to work that out or for John to tell him?
Um, I have an unreasoning fondness for dogs that results in my reading such events as 'dog chewing on my face' as "adorable!" so my reaction to this fic may be a little off kilter, but I love it to pieces.
I love that the military socialized him, and that Sherlock is actually scared into sensible behaviour, and that John got to have a pack while he was in the military.
I'm fascinated by society's tolerance for werewolves, although I suspect wolves rated higher than a certain colour probably are legally obliged to confine themselves. Maybe a werewolves' rights movement?
Comments 36
Um, I have an unreasoning fondness for dogs that results in my reading such events as 'dog chewing on my face' as "adorable!" so my reaction to this fic may be a little off kilter, but I love it to pieces.
I love that the military socialized him, and that Sherlock is actually scared into sensible behaviour, and that John got to have a pack while he was in the military.
I'm fascinated by society's tolerance for werewolves, although I suspect wolves rated higher than a certain colour probably are legally obliged to confine themselves. Maybe a werewolves' rights movement?
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