1) Inspired by the movie Stardust where a stone wall separates an ordinary (non-magical) English village and a magical kingdom; stars take on a human physical form when they are in the magical kingdom, but any part of them that passes the wall turns to dust; stars are also highly sought after by witches because devouring a star's heart gives them youth. So, Sherlock is a star and John is an ordinary English boy living in the village by the wall. (Or reverse that.) They somehow meet in the magical kingdom.
2) Sherlock is a prisoner. John is a prison guard.
Comments 60
2) John is catnip to fairies.
3) AU where everybody has some kind of superpower or talent, but it's kind of a taboo to ask what someone else can do.
That last one. It is genius.
2) Sherlock is a prisoner. John is a prison guard.
3) Mycroft is Sherlock's guardian angel.
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