Jul 31, 2010 12:06

how is it possible webcamming with my mom can make so frustrated i want to cry? >< of the whole 2 hours i spent webcamming i think i spent at least half the time trying to get her to LISTEN to me and i just wanted to stop the convo =_=

i don't understand how hard it could be to misunderstand "I CAN'T GET TO ASAKUSA WITH MY PASS THAT'S WHY I WALK" like honestly, there is nothing to misunderstand! but she keeps saying how she doesn't want to waste time that day looking for the station and where to go and i'm going there anyways and i think i repeated the fact I WALK TO ASAKUSA BECAUSE IT'S NOT INCLUDED IN MY PASS during the whole explanation...ARGH!

and i'm not even sure if i'm insulted or just pissed off she doesn't actually listen when i talk. (nevermind just assuming i'm useless on my own) she asked if i cook and i tell her yes, i actually cook on my own (it's usually about as simple and lazy as i can make it but i do cook) and she asked something about rice cookers so i show her how there's prepackaged rice i microwave (it's kinda mendokusei to cook rice for me). then she makes this comment about how that's not really cooking ~_~ so i sarcastically reply, wth do you think i eat with the rice? and she just keeps going on and on about how i'm not really cooking and i keep telling her i cook the stuff to eat WITH the rice and she's totally not listening. so i finally just sarcastically go "why yes, i only eat rice for dinner. that's all i have, plain rice!" and she still doesn't get it/isn't listening, not until my sister more or less cuts in and goes "YOU KNOW SHE MIGHT NOT COOK THE RICE BUT SHE COOKS THE STUFF TO EAT WITH IT" and my mom's like oh, really? it doesn't come with the rice? =_= wth, i've been yelling, screaming, talking very loudly that i cook food to go with my rice for the past 15 mins of course the rice doesn't come with stuff!

and really, i don't know why i'm surprised at all. it's like every time my parents leave us alone to our own devices they don't just wonder if we're eating alright and stuff, they like wonder if we're capable of surviving at all without them (i take that back, i say "my parents" but it's really just my mom that does it. my dad never actually says stuff like, oh wow you can cook? unless he's leaving it all up to my mom). no offense, it's nice to have a home-cooked meal and i will admit they have a lot more variety (though partially it is just cuz i'm feeding myself so it's hard to make a huge variety) but it's not exactly rocket science to feed myself, even when i have to cook it myself. and really, how old am i now? shouldn't they, i dunno, not assume i'm incapable of ANYTHING ><

i totally admit i'm a klutz, absent-minded, a big procrastinator and not especially good at a lot of stuff but it's not like i haven't fed myself before. and the fact the thing i missed most about canada were the fruits and my email saying i missed the variety at dinner should've tipped them off too. if i miss variety it's hardly cuz i don't cook, i mean if i'm going to be spending money on buying food i'd at least buy variety, right?

i'm just so frustrated with my mom >< (and i guess with myself but for a different reason) i know she's doing it out of love and worry (that i'm not trying hard enough to find a job, i'm wasting opportunities, i won't be able to support myself/them when they retire) but the fact she's trying to do EVERYTHING for me and yet making me do it for her is really insulting. it's like saying "i don't trust you to make decisions about your own life, so here are some pre-made ones! go and fulfill them!" i'm usually easy-going enough to kinda do minimum requirements for those and more or less just do what i want to do for the rest but the not listening is really pissing me off. she complains how i don't tell her anything but why would i want to when she doesn't listen?

GAH, i'm going to eat the last of my curry with the bread that's getting kinda old and maybe i'll poke at intuos. i was so excited to get it this morning (it's HUGE!) but my mood is totally shot and now i'm kinda blah >< seriously, they kept going "shouldn't you get going?", "what are you doing today?" like TEN MILLION TIMES IN THE SAME CONVERSATION! i am going to eat lunch SLOWLY and poke at A BILLION UNRELATED THINGS before i leave!


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