Drunk (Oneshot)

Mar 12, 2011 21:32

Title : Drunk (Oneshot)

Pairing : HaeHyuk

Genre : Humor idk

Rating : PG-13 (i guess, mention of kiss)

Summary :  Everytime Eunhyuk’s drunk, he will......? (i really suck at summary and i think that the summary has nothing to do with fic.)

Warning : Unbetaed (it has lots of mistakes)

 “Hey, Eunhyuk!”Yesung called Eunhyuk.


“Lets go upstairs! They’re all waiting!”

“Why? What’s going on?”

“We’re having a party!!!”said Yesung enthusiasticly.

“A party? For what?”

“For our new album of course!! Now lets go!!” Yesung pulled Eunhyuk towards the door, never give any chance for Eunhyuk to say no.


Ding dong. Yesung rangs the bell. Eunhyuk was standing behind him. After a few seconds, the door opened.

“There you guys are! Come on! The party started already!”said Sungmin while pulling both of them inside.

Eunhyuk observed his members. Siwon and Donghae were watching titanic while eating some junk food (Siwon hands tissues to Donghae). Kyuhyun was playing game as usual and looks like he has no interest on the party. Leeteuk on the other hand was drinking beer with Heechul, Kangin and Kibum (there’s alot of empty bottles on the table but it seems that nobody is drunk *they’re heavy drinker*). Ryeowook was chatting with Sungmin when Yesung joins them. Shindong was eating at the kitchen table that was apparently full of spaghetti, pizzas, burgers, chips, and many more. Eunhyuk didn’t know if he was able to finish all that food.

He sat on the sofa with Donghae and Siwon beside him.

“Yah, Hae-ah, stop crying will you?”

“B-b-but.... t-this is s-s-soooo s-s-s-sad!!!”Donghae blows his nose into the tissue.

“You had watched this story 17392027827 times already!! Aren’t you sick of it??”

“S-shut up! Y-y-you d-don’t h-have an-any f-f-feelings!”

‘Uurghhh, this is annoying. They’re going to keep bickering like always. I wonder why woman likes to think that Siwon is mature. Well he LOOKS like he’s mature but apparently he’s NOT.’

Eunhyuk went to where Yesung, Sungmin and Ryeowook were.

“Ddangkoma is really cute!”

“He is!”

“I know right!! And then he looks at me blinking his eyes!!”

Kyaaaa... (Sungmin and Ryeowook yells cutely)

‘This is much more worse. Having a chat about ddangkoma, i rather talk about my grandmother.’

Eunhyuk went to Kyuhyun.

“Die u bitch!!! Huh, u deserves that!! I’m gonna kick ur butt!!! All of u!! Yes, oh yeah, just fucking DIE!!!!”

‘.................................... i better go to somewhere.....quieter.’

Eunhyuk went to the drinking members.

“Kangin-ah, stop drinking already! You already drink 5 bottles!”

“So what!!”Kangin is slightly drunks.

“You’re such a beer whale!”

“Yah, Hyukkie! Drink with us will ya!!”said Kibum.

“No thanks. I don’t drink.”

“What!! You don’t drink and you call yourself a man?”Kangin yelled.

“Yeah, drink it! Unless you’re afraid.”Heechul makes fun of Eunhyuk.

“I’m NOT afraid!!”

“If you’re not, then PROVE it!”Heechul gave Eunhyuk a bottle of beer.

Eunhyuk hate it when someone provokes him. So, it was natural for him to do what he’s about to do.


Eunhyuk is not a very good drinker. He drinks but he can never had more that one gulp. Even if its just one extra gulp....... well, lets just say it wouldn’t be pleasant.

“Hik...hik... hyung, your face is like a bear... hik..”

“Yah!! You brat!!”

“Kangin, he’s drunk! Why did you and Heechul (who’s already passed out just a second ago) provoke him, huh? You know he can’t handle his beer!!”

“He’s fault. I just provoke him, i never forced him to drink it.”Kangin shrugged.

“But you know how prideful he is! You know that he WILL drink it!”

“Huh, and thats the reason i provoke him in the first place.”Kangin smirked.

Leeteuk sighed. He’s worried about Hyukjae. He will be really unpleasant everytime he’s drunk so he as the leader of the group tries to avoid that.

Well, actually, Eunhyuk never drunk in front of the members (or anybody) except Leeteuk and Junsu, because they’re best friends from high school so of course they had seen him drunk. Leeteuk still remembered the night Eunhyuk’s drunk. He shivered. ‘That was not a good night.’ He really regretted making Eunhyuk drinks with both him and Junsu before. ‘This night is going to be a looooong night. I wonder who’s going to be the victim.’

Eunhyuk, walked unsteadily to where Donghae are. Siwon has already went to his room sleeping (tomorrow is Sunday, so Siwon needs to get up early to go to church O_O).

“Hik....Hae-ah..” Eunhyuk walked on something that made him fall on Donghae’s lap.


“Hik-hik-hahahaha....Hae is sooo cute!!!”He pinched Donghae’s cheeks.

“S-stop it Hyukkie. Whats wrong with you?”Donghae pulled Eunhyuk’s hands off his cheeks.

“N-nothing. I’m j-hik..just fine...”Giggled Eunhyuk. He stares at Donghae with his child-like eyes and suddenly he kissed him full on the mouth.

Donghae’s POV

“H-hyukkie?” ‘Whats wrong with him? Is he drunk? His eyes are slightly red and his cheeks looks like his blushing.’

““Hik-hik-hahahaha....Hae is sooo cute!!!” ‘He called me cute. He pinched me, oww..that hurts. Yes, he’s definitely drunk.’

““S-stop it Eunhyuk. Whats wrong with you?”

“N-nothing. I’m j-hik..just fine...” ‘I don’t believe him. This is what he called fine? Giggling like a teenage girl?’

Eunhyuk stopped giggling.

‘Huh, what now? Why is he staring at me like that? His cheeks flushes and lips slightly opened, damn that plump lips made him looks sooo sexy. What??? Nooo!!! What am i thinking!! He’s your best friend Donghae!!!’

Suddenly Donghae felt something pressed on his lips.

‘...........WHAT??? EUNHYUK KISSED ME?? THIS IS SOOO WRONG but it felt sooo right.’

“Ahhhmmmm...”Eunhyuk moaned as Donghae dominate the kiss. Their tongues play with each other. Donghae nibbled Eunhyuk’s bottom lips, making him whimpered for more.

‘He tastes soo fucking good. I can’t stop kissing him’

He put his hand on Eunhyuk’s nape to deepen the kiss. Eunhyuk, moaned and roaming his hands on Donghae’s hair.

They continues their little ‘game’ and lost in their own world. They forgot about the members who were gaping at them right at the moment. Kyuhyun, throw his PSP (which was really unusual) and grab his phone.

“I made a great choice by making a twitter account.”He whispered.

Leeteuk palmed his face. ‘Not again. I knew this gonna happen.’

Actually before when Eunhyuk drunks, he kept trying to kiss him and Junsu on their mouth. Luckily, they managed to avoid that. Even if Eunhyuk didn’t get to kiss them, they both felt like it was the worst night ever. ‘Poor Hae, my baby, didn’t get to defend himself from horny-drunk Hyukkie.’

Little did he know that his so-called ‘baby’ is a not-so-innocent baby as they continue their little ‘game’ behind Eunhyuk’s closed and locked room and by the way, Donghae dominates.

A/N : I’m so embarrass right now, i wanna explain more when they kiss but the words are sooo hard!! I had to refer to some smut fics just to describe the kiss. Gosh, i really sucks at that. Hope u guys like this anyway!! As always, COMMENTS AND CRITIQUES ARE <3

drunk, rating-pg-13, haehyuk

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