DBSK'S japanese and korean FANS annoyance
of ___ group using DBSK's name to gain fame. translated.
I just copy and paste it ^^
i went on this blog site where there were dbsk's japanese fans review on how DBSK's name was being used by BIG BANG's
entertainment company to gain popularity in japan and alot of the japanese fans were annoyed with it because DBSK worked their
butts off from the beginning to end and big bang just comes in using DBSk's name through media and calling themselves dbsk's rivals.
japanese fans were complaining that they were in different genres of music and they shouldn't be compared and upset that the
company was being rude to doing so. (keep in mind YG.ent is known for using media to gain attention its called UN-Peul. in korean it means
playing around with the media news.promoting.)
and these were the korean fans reaction.
1. I don't hate Big bang or anything and never did but the media play their company is doing is kind of making me... their characteristics and genre in music is totally different. I guess just the fact that both groups are korean is what's making the media think they are rivals in japan. although i will root for both groups.
yg 소속사가 확실히 언플 심한것같네요-_-;
솔직히 동방신기가 힘들게 길 다 닦아놓은거... 빅뱅은 뭔가 쉽게 가는것같아서리.............. 쯧
저 도 딱히 싫어하진 않는데 진짜 언플때문에 싫어질거 같네요..; 별로 한국에서 라이벌도 아닌데 이런말 하기 참 햏햏 하지만.. 동방신기가 어느정도 진입장벽을 허무는데 기여한건 사실이죠..(솔직히 어느정도의 수준이 아님..ㅠ) 그냥 아주 단순하게 제발 동방 이름이랑 엮어서 기사든 방송이든 나오지 말았음 좋겠어요. 그렇게 되기 어렵겠지만..-_ㅠ..그리고 새삼 느끼는거지만 지금 빅뱅 정도의 푸쉬는 동방신기가 단 한번도 받아본적 없는거 같다는 느낌이..; 동방도 초기 2년동안 디지게 삽질 할 때 저거 반만큼만 푸쉬 받았으면 어땠을까 싶기도 하구요.. 이래저래 착잡합니다..
Yg ent. seriously is really harsh with their media play usually.
honestly the hard road that DBSk sweeped off throughout the years, i think big bang is walking on it easily. ...
i dont hate them either but i'm starting to because of their media play. they are really that much of rivals even in Korea. It is obvious that they are using DBSK to be honest. ( not at a small amount actually) i hope just this week it'll pass and from future on i hope they wont use DBSK's name for their promotion in front of cameras. It'll probably be hard. the push that BIg bang is getting among the media is something DBSK has never even had. For the first 2 years of debut they worked their butts off. IF dbsk got half the push from media attention from the start it makes me wonder where they'd be now.
Hi. its first time that i'm leaving a message. i always like reading you blogs. i wanted to leave a reply for this blog.If people have the slightest common sense (japanese korean) it's obvious to see Big Bang and their company using DBsk's name and popularity in japan to promote Big bang in japan by making useless rivalry story as part of their media play. But most people that don't know much about this would be like " oh dbsk's rivals? should i hear it once" and buys their album it in the end just helps big bang's sales to go up. It's basically like blowing your nose without using your hands. This is probably what their ent. company is going for and it's honestly disgusting, rude, and ignorant immature etc. It's using what someone else had worked their butts off for years to make ur own sucess out of it. benefit out of it. They always used useless stories to use media play literally to death even in korea. i hope their try to work hard on their own and bring sucess in the future and don't dirty up dbsk's name and image in japan. since now i didn't have any interest in big bang or their company but from now on i feel like i'm not going to like them. sorry for the long reply. i'll come by in future to leave replies again later. it's kind of sad leaving this kind of sad reply..
i'm not feeling positive about this as well. big bang is truely a talented group and probably will succeed in japan as well. but just the ppl above it's basically blowing you nose without using your own hand. DBSK just recently gained their ground in japan.. and now big bang's comp is using this as their advantage. IF dbsk didn't have the popularity now in japan i wonder what big bang would have done. what title would they have debuted in japan with? That they surpassed Bae Yong Joon ( YONSAMA) 's popularity? i do hope that big bang will succeed outside in the foreign countrys, but i really don't like seeing them using DBSK's name. Big bang Fans would be saying "what are you talking about" but seriously if you see it by peeling off the the core, they won't be able to deny that they are gaining attention in japan using DBSK's name. i feel the same way. it does seem like Big bang is debuting without having the hardship dbsk went with. i'm also very tired of Yg's media play. those two are really getting on my nerves enough to make me want to hate big bang.
I guess it was obvious to see them using DBSK's name for media attention.
but as much as they did, they have to expect the negative views that people will have on them.
i never had any interest in them but seriously i'm starting to hate it. their company and their artists. i hope they know their limits and if they did, i wouldnt feel this upset but this is not even their first time. First with their fan event at tokyo dome? but it turns out it was in a small reception area not even close to tokyo dome.lol. if your a cassie it would obviously make you upset. except the ppl who worked for it will definitely gain that much and people who didn't do anything will gain that much. that's lifes.
i dont hate Big bang....never did. well their company is really bleh. but it's really amazing at their level of media play. but its nothing new for YG. just like their tokyo dome article they put out with the rivalry? when i see stuff like this. it makes me so annoyed. just like the ppl above. i hope they work to the fullest on their own road and not bring dbsk into their debut promotion ^^.
i hope both group will suceed. big bang has the talent to suceed by looking at their talents. and i'm honestly not even worried about DBSK they are already succesful. i want to root for big bang. i hope in japan they will be able to meet dbsk and have dinner or something together. they can learn from each other. ?...(learn what how to media play?)
if they aren't using it negatively then as a korean i would definitely root for them. but what dbsk went through. they made a road for themselves. if it was a korean singer they only knew about jo yong pil, and kim yeon ja, but now they know alot of dbsk. they were into korean culture like black days and couple look. thanks to dbsk they walked on their own road by just their talents. and what big bang is doing the media play big bang is doing is basically 'we'll just walk on dbsk's road thats already been cleaned up and instead of going with traditional pop music we'll make our own by just our talent.' what kind of media play is that? i can't see good iwth that. does that mean DBSk were perfoming during debuts in school gyms in the beginning because they didn't have talent? the literally teared out blood to gain love from the general public for the last 4 years. They left while their popularity was at its upmost height to a country that they didn't even know about. just because of that they were looked as if they had no talent because they weren't getting media attention from the start. i'm sure through their media play many ppl will give interst to big bang, but then afterwards sending out a media play article saying they'll win over by just their talents? um that doesnt make me feel good at all. because also the fac that their fans are very ignorant most of the time.
there were alot more. but they were repetitive.
source ::
http://blog.naver.com/islove23?Redirect=Lo...gNo=40067551906credit :: soompi