My parents raised me as a lessez-faire Presbyterian throughout my childhood. At age eight I was the youngest member of the hand bell choir. At twelve my pastor thought I would follow in his footsteps some day and go into the seminary. At sixteen I was the only sixteen year-old in my church, as well as the only tenor. I remember going to church
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Comments 1
I currently work at a presbtyerian church, though, at the heart of the matter, I'd say I'm definately not a presbyterian. The entire first section of your post made me smile and laugh out loud. I can envision it in all the glory! :)
I am intrigued by your perspective on Job and the silencing of God. I am going to check it out and do some studying because that is certainally not a way that I've ever interpreted the story before.
As for the little dirty word, I wonder if we will ever get away from the first impression of it. Much like the word "fundamentalist" or "LDS", there is a specific view of people claiming to be such, and I, too, am guilty of assuming on the words. I want to commend you in your explanation. I appreciated what you wrote because it came across as calm and rational, and not what I've come to expect when someone declares that in a conversation.
nicely done.
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