You know you've been playing Dynasty Warriors too long when...

Apr 24, 2006 01:36

You get up from it to make yourself a ten o'clock snack and realise it's gone half one. Then you drop a bit of butter by accident as you make the toast and your immediate kneejerk reaction is 'Don't go after it, it's an ambush!' Although if Juge Liang made toast he probably would ambush it with butter. He ambushes everything else... I have an ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

thingomy April 24 2006, 00:12:36 UTC
been there -- done that


eurmalian April 24 2006, 03:55:27 UTC
With Dynasty Warriors or with other games?


thingomy April 24 2006, 11:44:04 UTC
other games -- there was a little knownstratagy game that i used to play, called Max, it sort of got into your head, planning bases, and seeing grid paterns everywhere.

i would wind up day dreaming working out how to get tanks to open doors etc


eurmalian April 24 2006, 17:50:35 UTC
OK, now I'm curious... How do tanks open doors?


bubosquared April 24 2006, 02:32:12 UTC
*cracks up* Permission to metaquotes?


eurmalian April 24 2006, 03:51:52 UTC
Go ahead, I didn't even know it existed...


dantesvendetta April 24 2006, 03:04:18 UTC
You know you've played Oblivion too long when you drive past a hedgerow and go, oooh, there could be a nirnroot in there!

I'm a loser. Still playing though.


eurmalian April 24 2006, 03:55:07 UTC
Phil and i used to get similar things with Princ of Persia: The Sands of Time. We'd enter some old building ad the first thing either of us would notice would be how you could easily climb that wall, double jump to that ledge, run along there, swing along those chandeliers and that would get you to the balcony there where you could continue on...

This one just surprised me because my mind was sitting there going 'don't pick up the butter, it'll be an ambush for a split second before rationality kicked in and went 'What the hell ate you on? It's butter!'


deathlyphil April 24 2006, 04:50:00 UTC
Yes, or the most recent one I've done which was, "I've got the new Prince of Persia, but i left my memory card at Kai's. Therefore I will have to play through the whole thing in one go."

I did quite well, but it crashed about 3 in the morning about 7 hours into the game. Think I cracked slightly. All i could do was laugh, then pass out.


deathlyphil April 24 2006, 04:55:07 UTC
Thinking about it further, I do remember watching seasons two and three of Babylon 5 within about a week, then going around asking everyone "What do you want?". Or watching 24 and having the urge to run about telling people that you are a federal agent and need their help.


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