oh yay! that was quick. i hope you get paid well. i was hoping you'd get one of those jobs delivering sandwiches in a basket to random businesses. for some reason i've seen people doing that in like 3 british movies. well, it's a deli, so maybe.
um, i'd have to say, for one word, auspicious.
do you realize i spent all day and 20 minutes on dictionary.com to come up with that word???? you're difficult to describe! put it into the thes-or-us; all of those words fit, so i thought Auspicious must be right.
you see, it's just so much trouble writing an extra email when i can condense everything i have to say into a lj post... that's a lie, i have other things to say, but this post was just convenient to add that to.
Comments 2
um, i'd have to say, for one word, auspicious.
do you realize i spent all day and 20 minutes on dictionary.com to come up with that word???? you're difficult to describe! put it into the thes-or-us; all of those words fit, so i thought Auspicious must be right.
you see, it's just so much trouble writing an extra email when i can condense everything i have to say into a lj post... that's a lie, i have other things to say, but this post was just convenient to add that to.
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