Veronica Mars mood theme - 1x01 - 1x22

Apr 22, 2005 18:34

New Veronica Mars mood theme with images from episodes 1 - 22. Possible spoilers if you haven't seen those episodes. All caps used in theme are from _jems_.

The theme is zipped, and ready for download under the cut.

Veronica Mars Mood Theme

Random Preview:

Download the zip file here (Right-click, save as!).

Zip file contains 132 mood images, all in jpeg form and 90x50px, as well as the adminconsolecodes.txt file. For instructions on how to put this mood theme on your LJ if you have a paid account, see here. If you don't have a paid account, see here.

Pleeeeease make sure that your mood images are uploaded as 90x50, otherwise the aspect ratio will go crazy and they'll look pixelated and stretched.


-Comment if you take.
-Please credit to euterpeslullaby in your user info if you use the mood theme.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to comment below, or e-mail me.

ETA: I've remade this mood theme. Check out the new one here.
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