Had a killer weekend.
Went to a ren-fair for the first time... Totally going next year (and the next, and the next, and the next..). Bought a fife, which i'm teaching myself to play. I can already play Frair Jack(the french song that i can't spell...). And apparently yankee doodle isn't yankee doodle on a fife... o.0 The jerky there was orgasmic (as with all the other food...)
Went and saw Gamer on sunday... EPIC!! Like, more epic than Origins (cringes for lightning). More epic in the way of character development and plot development... it was so fresh and new!! like nothing i've seen in theaters before! Victor's still number one in my heart, but Kable's there two now.. perhaps #2.
And today, I get to wear all black to my conservitave catholic school. Granted, it's because campus ministry want's to be all douchy and have a day of "mourning of the world's suffering." But, we goth's naturally have to abuse it. I'm literally in black from head to toe.
- black skull cap
- black pea coat
- black tee shirt
- black undershirt
- black undie shorts
- black trip pants
- black trip chains
- black hair ties (3)
- black watch
- black shoes
- black socks
- black fife
- black manga
- black button pins (3) - yume nikki on shirt and two on my pantalones (tchuss[?] and gaga, both meaning german for something..)
- black back pack
- black headphones
- black iPod
that should be about it. I should have worn my bell collar, but i ran out of the house with out it... *cries*. The school wouldn't let me wear my cap, but i think that i still pwned everybody else..