Title: Deus Ex Machina - The Instruments of Fate
Chapter: 21/?
Pairings: Ohmiya, OhnoxOC, NinoxOC, AibaxOC + other background pairings
Rating: PG - 13, rating will go up
Disclaimer: I do not own Arashi
r_tenouPrevious Chapters:
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 |
Chapter 6 |
Chapter 7 |
Chapter 8 |
Chapter 9 |
Chapter 10 |
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Comments 16
I-just. Everything-Ohno D:- Ohmiya TAT- EVERYTHING. MUH. halfkdjhsg. ♥
I'm sooooooooo re-reading all the chapters when I go home today. *nods*
thank you so much for continuing to read this!!
Of course I will continue to read the pure awesomeness that this fic is. ♥ |D
I mean. really good.
They way you write, the way you characterize, how your plot is flowing. It's good. I like it so much, it's agonizing XD
I'll re-read this chapter several times more, which happes really... rarely :)
and yay for (maybe) nino x aubrey?!
I love your comments so much it is agonizing lol
I'm really writing at this point to shock and disturb. Because only a handful of people are reading this I am getting to know very well what will draw a reaction and what wont from my tiny band of readers to whom every chapter is dedicated.
Thank you thank you thank you for reading!!
And I wouldn't give up on Ohmiya just yet, however Nino is becoming more and more confused as to just exactly how he should approach Aubrey and his feelings.
Except poor Nino thinks there is no hope
I am so glad you update though, I have been checking back frequently ever since you first posted in the community. :D
Wow, Ohno in the beginning scared me quite abit. I thought he was gone forever. But hmmm, there something I don't quite understand though, why had they not let him just finish that Johnny up? :?
Haha,and is it okay if I say that I am very confused about the love triangle now? :D LOL! Great job in twisting everything around like this! My head is swimming from trying to guess who will actually end up with each other. Sigh, I guess I shall leave it to the story to unveil itself! XD
Ps: I am sorry for your loss. Hope you are feeling much better.
I'm sorry to have confused you with the love triangle, I think I'm even confusing myself at this point but I will just say this: DOn't rule any possibilities out no matter what the chapter might say, because no one is really being honest with their feelings, least of all Ohno.
As for why they didn't kill Johnny, well that would just be too easy wouldn't it? Actually i think that Nino, despite all his hate, has a bit of an attachment to his "dad" but I'll let you decide that.
Thanks for the kind words :( I'll miss my kitty very much, but I've stopped crying everyday so thats probably a good sign.
What can I say? I love the plot, the way you write, the characters and NinoxAubrey xDDD
Please don't stop now!!! ♥♥♥
Thank you for sharing this awesome fic! (^.^)y
I will try to get the new chapter up very soon. Just out of curiosity, is NinoxAubrey the popular pair?
They're like the "impossible" pair that everyone want to see together xDDD
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