Wow. Oh, wow.

Dec 03, 2006 21:20

Oh, I loved this. I loved this a lot, even as I gasped and went 'ow, my heart'. Because OW, MY HEART!! Apparently, there are haters out there? but I'm carefully avoiding any hint of negative reaction, because for me, this was The Best Hour of Television In The History of EVER. Also, I really wanted to give a thoughtful analysis of this ep, but I just keep devolving into squealing and fangirlishness, so this may read a tad...schizo.

* Boxing as a sport, as a metaphor, as a...THING always seems to me remarkably lazy and unsubtle. Oh, you get hit, but you keep fighting? You deal with complex interpersonal conflict by...hitting the person you're conflicting with? You get knocked down, but you get back up again? How obvious. And tiresome. It's like using chess as a parallel for brinksmanship (yes, I'm looking at you, West Wing). Having said that, I do get that kind of visceral appeal; there's something about the blood and the sweat and the unclothedness that's both gross and compelling.


* I thought the music cues and editing were great, evocative of both KLG and Occupation. I loved how the flashbacks/memories weren't used to just foreshadow, but were integrated throughout the whole present-day storyline. Upon further reflection, though...OF COURSE I loved this ep (especially the ending montage), it was a frickin' K/L fanvid. A fanvid OF AWESOME.

* Kara is so hot. So fucking hot, there are no words. Gah. I love her hair, I love her stomach, I love her smirk and her cheekbones and, speaking as a straight girl, I would totally hit that. There was almost an overabundance of gorgeous in this ep. Ellen was undeniably beautiful (hi, Ellen, hi! I missed you!), Baltar was washed, and Roslin in red? OMG, SO HOT. Anders in sweat? SUPER HOT. Lee in anything? FUCK ME, THAT'S HOT.

* I always wonder about the filming of sex scenes (where's the RPF?)...are they awkward? What degree of nakedity are we talking about here? (write me RPF) We saw Jamie's breath, so how cold was it? Did the cold have an effect on...things? And we're back around to awkward. (I need RPF)

* SHE SAID IT. SHE SAID IT TOO. I don't think I breathed from the moment she stood up in the cold. That was to me the most emotionally devastating moment of the K/L relationship, and KS nailed it on so many levels: the horror and the heartbreak in her face, as she realized what she was going to do, but the sincerity and desperation too, and then the mask coming up as he kissed her. wisteria_ has a fantastic discussion/defense of Kara that really says everything I think about her choices. I could comment further, but all I'd be doing would be saying "fucking word" and "what she said". [Sidebar: for a fun investigation into tough, emotionally distant blonde chicks, compare and contrast with the Logan/Veronica scene in VM 3:8.}

* HE HIT HER!!! AASKLD;JALSDJ; HE HIT HER JUST LIKE IN KLG!!! (Seriously, though, the amount of time I spent flailing and making noises only dogs could hear throughout this episode is truly embarassing.)

* I don't like to think of Adama as that obtuse or unsympathetic to Lee's emotions. I kept waiting for Olmos to temper it a little, give a nod to the camera, or give Lee a moment of commiseration, and there wasn't even a hint of that. Maybe it's just in fic that Adama is all Super-Omniscence Man, and he really is that oblivious, but I don't have to like it. Then again, he did have the munchies. And hee.

* OH. MY. GOD. The hugging. The hugging and the greatest hits reel and then the "I missed you." "I missed you too." Couldn't breathe. Stomach hurt. OW, MY HEART. Greatest thing ever.
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