gacked from angely78

Feb 17, 2005 02:59

If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought?

And you know the drill. Share the random question goodness.

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Comments 14

ex_cdaae February 20 2005, 20:10:05 UTC
I would probably wonder how two people could fit in this particular bed without falling out.



wyrd_sane February 21 2005, 00:17:21 UTC
How the heck did that happen?


(The comment has been removed)

eva_tsukino February 22 2005, 04:59:34 UTC
hey you! thanks! yeah, life uber insane right now with that and school and the piercing, get one! :D just clean it proper, and get a good body piercer to do it, not a place like piercing pagoda :P
yeah, you guys can totally crash at my place if you make it to toronto :)


kshaw February 21 2005, 21:51:00 UTC
Well first I'd wake up cus you were screaming since a rat was nibbling at your toes. I'd mechanicly reach over and lock Maximus back in his cage, curl up in the comforter and then go back to sleep. Then I'd realize...

"wait a sec... What the hell?"

I scramble across the floor (cus I have no bed) about 2 feet and be like.. what the hell? How'd you get here... what are you" and numerous other questions that I wouldn't even finish formulating. Then I'd freak cus I'd be like, "I'm sorry... I didn't... do anything... to you or... or... I'm so sorry I really am and... why are you here and um... oh gosh I'm sorry about Max and..." then I'd begin trying to clean up the room which means me trying to manage over mounds of clothes and papers and scattered rat bedding and... um... yeah.


eva_tsukino February 22 2005, 05:01:14 UTC
*patpats* sounds like your room is in a bad state like mine *looks at the laundry strewn everywhere* though I have a loft bed, love the thing. how you doing over there dude? guess worrying about ya


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