So, I realize that I haven't posted my feelings on Supernatural (or posted at all) in a very, very long time, but since the season finale is tomorrow night, I feel it is time to get out something that has been causing me to bang my head against the wall all season long. Especially after last week's episode.
Dear Sam Winchester,
I would like to you to take a good look at my icon and think about how it applies to your life.
No, not literally. I know you don't currently have a girl who is as wild and free as the ocean, and is contrary to what a socialized lady would be, and that's not your fault.
What I want you to think about is parallelism. Let's say there someone in your life with a vast amount of arcane knowledge and a vaguely suspicious interest in your future, like Tia Dalma there, or, let's say, oh, Ruby. Now, let's say that this person tells you a story about the current baddie and their tragic flaw. Like that story you heard about where Lilith came from. Quite illuminating, wasn't it?
Here's the important part: there are layers to this story. Trust me, they're there. I want you to go sit in the corner and think about this for a little while before you go running off half-cocked like you're an early seasons Dean or something. Once you've done a little thinking, you may find yourself saying, "Hey! This road of good intentions looks very familiar!"
To which the rest of us will say: Yeah. How 'bout dat.