this was quite entertaining

Nov 05, 2005 00:27

Psychsquid: um hello
Evanescence4el: hi...who's this?
Psychsquid: sry to bother you, I'm a new member on Goths for Jesus (I know I but you don't post there anymore either I bet)
Evanescence4el: it's okay. yeah, I converted religions so I don't visit there anymore
Psychsquid: okay, so why did you convert, and to what?
Evanescence4el: I converted because I wasn't feeling wholly fulfilled in Christiantiy, so I converted to Wicca. And no, it is in no way any form of SATANISM because satan sucks like that...and I don't believe in it anyway. I believe in the type of Wicca that has two main deities, and please don't attempt to convert me back.
Psychsquid: why not
Evanescence4el: oh because so many people have tried and I refuse. I am actually happy where I am now
Psychsquid: what did you like about Christianity?
Psychsquid: if I may ask
Evanescence4el: honestly, I didn't like anything about it
Psychsquid: I see
Psychsquid: could you give me a good reason why
Evanescence4el: 1) It goes against Homosexuality, 2) I'm a feminist, and 3) I don't believe there could only be ONE higher power
Psychsquid: God doesn't hate the ppl He created
Psychsquid: He hates what they do
Psychsquid: but He would never hate them
Psychsquid: and yes, there is ONLY one higher power
Psychsquid: and so what if you read that verse about "Women are to be quiet in the Church"
Psychsquid: that was being a metaphor ya know
Evanescence4el: ah, but see, in Wicca, you can do as you please if it hurts none or nothing....and I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about how Wicca is a feminist religion and it suits me better
Psychsquid: Thats just a lie you know, do you know what the greatest commandment in the Satanic Bible is
Psychsquid: it isn't to bow to satan
Evanescence4el: yes yes I've read about all that stuff before
Psychsquid: no its to do what makes YOU feel happy
Evanescence4el: how Wicca and Satanism are SOOOO alike
Evanescence4el: but they're not
Psychsquid: i doesn't matter, the point is you're serving yourself
Psychsquid: not God
Psychsquid: it*
Psychsquid: I can't save you though
Evanescence4el: I'm already being saved
Evanescence4el: and I serve nature
Evanescence4el: Mother Nature and all of her children
Psychsquid: I see
Evanescence4el: You see, there's something good in all that is not evil. You may find it in Christianity; I find it in Wicca. I don't see myself attempting to convert others into Wicca. Only if they ask me do I INFORM them about the relgion.
Evanescence4el: I am as sound as you are.
Psychsquid: sound in thought, so-so, sound in assurance of where you go after this part of life is over, idk
Evanescence4el: what do you believe happens after death?
Psychsquid: I believe if I've accepted God into my heart, and been baptised I go to heaven to be with my Lord and saviour
Psychsquid: You?
Evanescence4el: I believe we are reborn to the Earth as another living being to walk the grounds once more, and the cycle never ends
Psychsquid: that would get dull after about the first 3 times if you believe that sort of thing
Evanescence4el: thing don't remember what happened in your other life. that's where we get deja vu
Psychsquid: uh huh
Evanescence4el: but to each his own! that's why the world is as diverse as it is! we just have to learn to live with each other...which some people find very hard to do
Psychsquid: I don't find it hard
Psychsquid: If thats what your saying
Psychsquid: I just weep sometimes for the lies we willingly feed ourselves
Evanescence4el: I'm not pointing the finger at you. I'm just saying that there are some people out there that are like that, such as those causing war.
Evanescence4el: Ah, such as idolization of material goods?
Psychsquid: I agree with you on that though
Psychsquid: tell me, were you ever baptised?
Evanescence4el: yes, I was
Psychsquid: did you accept Jesus in to your heart
Evanescence4el: I was only but a child...I probably didn't understand what was happening. But after that, as I grew up, I did, but only because that's what my mom told me was right.
Psychsquid: so you never really believed in God
Psychsquid: or you never really accepted him per se
Psychsquid: Him*
Evanescence4el: oh, I accepted him because that's what I was told to do. I prayed to him every night and every day in school.
Psychsquid: then what made you waver?
Evanescence4el: the fact that I'm getting older and am discovering new things about the world and myself. and if "God" will hate what I will do sometime soon, then why be hated by the "Lord"? why not find a belief that will let me be who I am? and so I wavered and found myself in Wicca
Psychsquid: He doesn't hate you
Psychsquid: He crys for and weeps
Evanescence4el: "Psychsquid: He hates what they do" then what was that about?
Psychsquid: He would never hate you but you yet He can't accept you if you don't fully and honestly surrender to His will not your's
Psychsquid: Yes, He does, it says so in the Bible
Psychsquid: But you as a person no
Evanescence4el: I am talking about the acts I will commit, as I AM a lesbian, and I know I will one day find that one person who's right for me and I will commit to sexual ways. Your "God" would hate that.
Psychsquid: okay, lets talk about that if you're willing to
Psychsquid: how did you become a lesbian (and plz don't say I was born like that)
Evanescence4el: too bad because I believe I was. I figured out I was sexually attracted to girls when I was 9-years-old
Psychsquid: I see
Evanescence4el: oh, and my Christian friend wants to know how old you are
Psychsquid: 17
Evanescence4el: she says you need to mature
Evanescence4el: because you're acting as if you were 14 or 15
Psychsquid: How so
Evanescence4el: she says this: because, he is preaching way too much. yes, the lord wants you to spread his word but not to force it on a person.. just because the person doesnt want to go back means you have to keep asking why
Psychsquid: okay I'm sry if I was really overbearing and I have no excuse for that
Evanescence4el: I guess it's alright. It was quite interesting to hear what you had to say
Psychsquid: you too
Psychsquid: I'm sry if I offended you
Evanescence4el: no, no, not at all!
Psychsquid: was that sarcasm?
Evanescence4el: nope! I'm hardly, if ever, sarcastic
Psychsquid: thats cool
Psychsquid: I'm sry I didn't properly introduce myself, since I was stupidly jumping down your throat, my name is Ryan
Evanescence4el: ay, no worries! I'm Marie
Psychsquid: hello Marie
Evanescence4el: hi! well, it was nice speaking with you, but now, I must get to bed! goodnight!
Psychsquid: goodnight

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