I got through the costume fitting with only a little embarrassment. I really wish I didn't have to wear a dang girdle all day for these shoots. At least all the women will be as uncomfortable as me. Misery *does* love company. *g* And I get to wear saddle oxford tennis shoes instead of heels, so yay me! (Hard to believe anything as ridiculous as saddle oxford tennis shoes were ever made, but I had the proof on my feet today.)
It wasn't too difficult with only a couple of other women in the fitting room with me to change into the bra they gave me to wear without exposing myself too much. But the shooting days...I dunno. I'm sure there's going to be over 5 of us stuffed into a tiny room to change like for the last movie I was an extra in. I would never make a real actress because I am far too modest. Of course, the extra ten pounds I've put on in the last 9 months don't help either. *g*
The cool front has passed so it's probably going to be really hot filming in a high school gym covered in layers of clothing (dress, slip, girdle, panty hose). And I have to show up in curlers because they have to tease and set the women's hair in the style of the period (sort of like Mary Tyler Moore's from her show). And I'm allergic to hairspray. And I hate to wear make-up and I think they may be layering that stuff on, too. And I remembered to ask about the pay and it turns out it's less than the last movie I was in--only $50 for the first 8 hours and overtime after that and double time (I think) after 12 hours. At least I get paid $12.50 for the fitting today. *snort*
So...the pay sucks, you never know how the food will be, the hours are long, there are long periods of standing around in extreme conditions followed by equally long periods of waiting with nothing to do, and sometimes your scenes get cut so you never make it onto the screen at all. So why do I do it? *ponders* Because there's nothing like that behind the scenes magic, baby. ;)
The casting agency called me this morning before I even made it to the costume fitting. Now I'm working Monday through Wednesday of next week *and* tomorrow. WOOT! I just hope when I pull off that girdle tomorrow to change back into my own clothes that I don't accidently pull down my panties, too, like I did today. *dies of embarrassment*
I spent 45 minutes today doing virus and spyware scans and researching what popped up and finally found the dirty little bugger that's been screwing with my computer. After some downloading and installing and kicking some trojan butt, webpages all come up and don't take five minutes to load, either. Stupid trojan. And to think all it took was AdAware, Pest Patrol, Spybot Search and Destroy, and Housecall. *g* Hubby was scared crapless that I was going to delete something in the registry, but I got tired of waiting for him to believe me that we had some kind of virus. I've only been telling him for the past month that something's wrong and it was getting worse by the day! *sigh* Men.
I definitely didn't have time for tv tonight, but I decided to watch The Void that I taped recently, anyway. Amanda Tapping was as good in it as I expected her to be. The character was very like Carter in some respects, and not at all in others. And her name was Eva! Whee! Very cool. *g* Since it was on a regular channel, I suspect they cut a sex scene. I had read that she had a double for the nude scene and I definitely didn't see a nude scene, so there ya go. I would have liked to see how much of Adrian Paul they bared....
A few days ago I broke down and joined the Sheppard/Weir list. Like I'm not a member of enough lists already. *rolls eyes* It's just too funny to hear people already disagreeing about which is the OTP. *snort* Just ship for who ya want to and learn to be a little tolerant about others' likes and interests, people! Geesh! I can see that within a few months there will be quite a few pairings with many, many lists and much bitchiness. *shakes head* I just don't understand why everyone can't see that there's room for everybody's favorites. Maybe by having so many more people to choose from than in SG1, though, the divisiveness will be more diluted. I certainly hope so, but lately I am beginning to lose faith in the goodness of people again. So much crap going on in the world over stupid nothingness that doesn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things. Thank God I have found such sweet friends online.
That being said, I just adore the silliness and mockage on my newly added list. Yeah, I can be as hypocritical as the next gal. *g*
He leans into her
and she waits with bated breath,
primed for her first kiss.