
Jul 08, 2008 10:33

[20:21] LiterarySalmon: Beware the impostors.
[20:21] EvatheDefiler: impastos?
[20:22] LiterarySalmon: Are you there?
[20:22] EvatheDefiler: Hula hoops
[20:22] LiterarySalmon: Baby, we need to talk.
[20:22] EvatheDefiler: about the goat, I know I know
[20:22] LiterarySalmon: No, this isn't about the goat.
[20:23] EvatheDefiler: I said I wouldn't and I did
[20:23] LiterarySalmon: This is about you and I.
[20:23] EvatheDefiler: and your giant font?
[20:23] LiterarySalmon: Sorry about that.
[20:23] LiterarySalmon: It's the default.
[20:23] EvatheDefiler: meebo is your friend
[20:23] LiterarySalmon: But the topic I originally IMed you about.
[20:23] EvatheDefiler: It's my friend too
[20:24] LiterarySalmon: We can't see each other anymore.
[20:24] EvatheDefiler: I saw you?
[20:24] LiterarySalmon: Yesterday.
[20:24] LiterarySalmon: Our date.
[20:24] EvatheDefiler: Are you sure about that?
[20:25] LiterarySalmon: Yes.
[20:25] EvatheDefiler: I mean reality being what it is and all
[20:25] LiterarySalmon: I think it put the wrong thoughts in your head.
[20:25] LiterarySalmon: And I just don't need that in my life right now.
[20:25] LiterarySalmon: We need to break up.
[20:25] LiterarySalmon: I tried calling your phone to see if I could talk to you tonight, but you wouldn't answer.
[20:25] LiterarySalmon: I'm sorry I have to do this over IM, but I just can't take it anymore.
[20:26] EvatheDefiler: I don't think I've had a date in years
[20:26] EvatheDefiler: What's my name darling?
[20:26] LiterarySalmon: I've pushed your name from my memory.
[20:26] LiterarySalmon: The pain of thinking of you is just too much.
[20:28] EvatheDefiler: I'm aure.
[20:28] EvatheDefiler: Sure even
[20:28] EvatheDefiler: I suppose I can be content to be someone's painful burning flame of torment.
[20:29] EvatheDefiler: Consider your self free to feel that way if it makes you dance.
[20:30] LiterarySalmon: Thank you.
[20:30] LiterarySalmon: Just know that when I said I loved you, I meant it.
[20:33] EvatheDefiler: cheese
[20:34] LiterarySalmon: potatoes.
[20:34] EvatheDefiler: Sam ford
[20:34] LiterarySalmon: Erik Cole
[20:34] EvatheDefiler: dressage
[20:34] LiterarySalmon: how the hell did you get from Erik Cole to dressage?!
[20:35] EvatheDefiler: Haute ecole
[20:35] EvatheDefiler: to dressage
[20:35] LiterarySalmon: Monkey.
[20:35] EvatheDefiler: easy as pie
[20:35] LiterarySalmon: oh.
[20:35] LiterarySalmon: not easy for me.
[20:35] EvatheDefiler: bot?
[20:35] LiterarySalmon: the hell
[20:35] LiterarySalmon: OH MY GAWD
[20:35] EvatheDefiler: Lazyweb says you are
[20:35] LiterarySalmon: IMPOSTERS!
[20:35] LiterarySalmon: lazyweb?
[20:36] LiterarySalmon: ... is that the internet for the energetically handicapped?
[20:36] EvatheDefiler: information gathering for lazy
[20:36] LiterarySalmon: what does lazyweb say i am?
[20:36] EvatheDefiler: We're going to eat Salmon shortly
[20:36] EvatheDefiler: bot
[20:37] LiterarySalmon: ... is there an operator in here?
[20:37] EvatheDefiler: Only whimsy.
[20:37] LiterarySalmon: ?
[20:37] LiterarySalmon: whimsy?
[20:38] EvatheDefiler: If you can't catch the drift I'm throwing we can play a different game.
[20:38] LiterarySalmon: ... a different game sounds great
[20:38] LiterarySalmon: because im confused as hell
[20:38] LiterarySalmon: lol
[20:38] EvatheDefiler: Who are you?
[20:39] LiterarySalmon: your imaginary friend.
[20:39] LiterarySalmon: we used to play all the time when you were younger
[20:39] LiterarySalmon: but you seem to have forgotten about me.
[20:39] LiterarySalmon: i just wanted to check up on you. :-)

[20:40] EvatheDefiler: My imagination is fully funtional and anatomically correct.
[20:40] LiterarySalmon: you mean to tell me youve forgotten about me already?
[20:41] EvatheDefiler: It depends on who exactly I supposedly forgot.
[20:41] LiterarySalmon: me
[20:41] LiterarySalmon: your imaginary friend
[20:41] EvatheDefiler: and you are?
[20:41] LiterarySalmon: from your childhood!
[20:41] EvatheDefiler: I didn't have one really.
[20:41] EvatheDefiler: Imaginary horses maybe
[20:42] EvatheDefiler: but they never talked
[20:42] EvatheDefiler: or typed.
[20:42] LiterarySalmon: you just never gave me the chance to talk or type.
[20:43] EvatheDefiler: I mean there was that time in court.
[20:44] EvatheDefiler: And most certainly the time in the woods.
[20:44] LiterarySalmon: you werent ready to experience a talking horse.
[20:44] LiterarySalmon: but now that youre a little older, i feel its time to tell you that i can do ANYTHING
[20:44] LiterarySalmon: including talking and typing
[20:45] EvatheDefiler: But I was ready to playing pissing games with the little boys in the bedroom.
[20:45] EvatheDefiler: Can you piaffe?
[20:45] EvatheDefiler: I want to piaffe
[20:45] LiterarySalmon: i can, but i wont
[20:45] LiterarySalmon: right now is not a good time.
[20:46] EvatheDefiler: It's like toe socks for your brain.
[20:46] LiterarySalmon: as i said, right now is not a good time.
[20:46] LiterarySalmon: HOLY SHIT THEYRE ON TO ME!
[20:46] EvatheDefiler: The toads?
[20:46] LiterarySalmon: NO!
[20:46] LiterarySalmon: THE COPS!
[20:47] LiterarySalmon: THEYRE AT THE FRICKIN DOOR!
[20:47] LiterarySalmon: gotta go.
[20:47] LiterarySalmon: i gotta hide the drug money.
[20:47] EvatheDefiler: Well you are a horse
[20:47] EvatheDefiler: I mean mule
[20:47] EvatheDefiler: so sorry about the mix up..
[20:52] EvatheDefiler: Salmon is best served with a wine reduction and butter.
[20:53] LiterarySalmon: i dont care for fish, wine and butter or no wine and butter.
[20:53] EvatheDefiler: What about buttered wine?
[20:54] LiterarySalmon: im not much for alcoholic beverages either.
[20:54] EvatheDefiler: buttered sugar?
[20:55] LiterarySalmon: do you have some butter fettish or something?
[20:55] EvatheDefiler: I just like to run with a theme.
[20:55] LiterarySalmon: ah.
[20:55] EvatheDefiler: I can't figure out how many I've been through in thie conversation though.
[20:56] EvatheDefiler: Set out stalking and you end up tickling fish.
[20:56] LiterarySalmon: lol
[20:59] LiterarySalmon: wait a minute...
[20:59] LiterarySalmon: who exactly are you stalking
[21:00] EvatheDefiler: Ghosts
[21:00] LiterarySalmon: you believe in them?
[21:01] EvatheDefiler: Not per say. More a pretentious was to say people from my past.
[21:01] LiterarySalmon: ah.
[21:01] LiterarySalmon: OMG IM GONNA HAUNT YOU WHEN I DIE!
[21:01] LiterarySalmon: :-D
[21:02] EvatheDefiler: Good to know.
[21:03] EvatheDefiler: We're having Salmon for dinner.
[21:03] EvatheDefiler: funny really
[21:03] EvatheDefiler: But I'm not going to explain about the socks ok?
[21:03] LiterarySalmon: fine with me.
[21:03] LiterarySalmon: none of my business.
[21:04] LiterarySalmon: lol
[21:04] EvatheDefiler: Day or night
[21:04] LiterarySalmon: Night.
[21:04] EvatheDefiler: early or late
[21:05] LiterarySalmon: late.
[21:05] LiterarySalmon: what exactly are these questions for?
[21:05] EvatheDefiler: A, E or I
[21:05] LiterarySalmon: A
[21:05] EvatheDefiler: I like to poke things with a stick.
[21:06] EvatheDefiler: You must be person three...
[21:06] LiterarySalmon: I'm person 6 actually
[21:07] EvatheDefiler: Perhaps... hard to seperate different people and general insanity
[21:07] LiterarySalmon: i fall under the general insanity category.
[21:07] EvatheDefiler: How many time did they catch you?
[21:10] LiterarySalmon: 4.
[21:10] EvatheDefiler: They only caught me twice so far...
[21:11] EvatheDefiler: But that's because I wanted to be locked up.
[21:11] LiterarySalmon: ah.
[21:11] EvatheDefiler: The rest of the time no one was listening.
[21:11] LiterarySalmon: just needed a break from family?
[21:11] EvatheDefiler: The world in my head is better.
[21:11] LiterarySalmon: w0rd.
[21:11] LiterarySalmon: so much w0rd on that.
[21:11] EvatheDefiler: Still is but it's harder to get to these days.
[21:13] LiterarySalmon: not for me.
[21:13] EvatheDefiler: I like food.
[21:14] LiterarySalmon: i do too
[21:14] LiterarySalmon: do you have some
[21:15] EvatheDefiler: soon
[21:15] LiterarySalmon: share with me
[21:15] LiterarySalmon: ?
[21:16] EvatheDefiler: Have some fish?
[21:16] LiterarySalmon: eww.
[21:16] LiterarySalmon: i thought we discussed that already
[21:18] EvatheDefiler: Sorry. It's what I have.
[21:19] LiterarySalmon: oh.
[21:19] LiterarySalmon: poo.
[21:19] EvatheDefiler: ginger rice?
[21:19] LiterarySalmon: sure.
[21:20] EvatheDefiler: I like to say spumoni.
[21:27] EvatheDefiler: Spumoni!
[21:39] EvatheDefiler: To make room for the Tuna!
[21:41] EvatheDefiler: literarysalmon is now known as LiterarySalmon.
Monday, July 7, 2008 21:58:30
[21:58] EvatheDefiler: What's new pussycat?
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