Some nice folks with HD channels separated out the music channel from The Eleventh Hour. It fades in and out in places (dialogue there?) but the songs are still pretty cool:
Doctor's theme (I really love this one, especially the clarinet/oboe in the middle that just makes it sound a tad bit bonkers above all the excitement)
another shorter but better mixed version of the Doctor's theme Amy's Theme Crashing over London (reminds me of Ten and Donna! :D)
New opening credits (at first I was dubious but have come to my senses and realize I love it. Garbled in this link, you can find a better version
here AND compare it with the other themes)
Big scary monsters coming up (soundtrack from the trailer, apparently cribbed from a batman video game trailer?)
New Doctor appears out of the TARDIS Various other snippets around in the links there. Quite fun.