May 30, 2009 00:56
- 12:33 I'm headachy, tired, and I'm literally having a panic attack over that essay. Fuck. #
- 12:38 @ melliechick I feel you. #
- 16:38 @ Laikalost in a band? Your hot rating increased #
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May 29, 2009 00:56
- 05:05 Studying and nomming leftover pizza courtesy of @alisaferrara #
- 05:31 @ laikalost how's Duluth? Next time you're at the mall, take a picture for me? #
- 14:57 @ Laikalost I just miss where I worked is all. Actually any pics of the city would male my day #
- 14:57 @ Laikalost make. Lol #
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May 28, 2009 00:57
- 07:52 @ officialpeta Check this out. It's a doc by PBS.. Talks about poultry waste being responsible for a water pollution #
- 07:53 @ officialpeta Available to view for free online. Parts 3 and 4 talk about it specifically. Pass it on please! tinyurl.com/cv36sj #
- 07:54 @ Laikalost Ugh I know. I stopped watching it long ago. TV sucks period lately. #
( Read more... )
May 26, 2009 00:56
- 13:59 Why are there always so many dishes????? Fuckkkkk! Shoot me!!!! #
- 19:52 @ Bl4ckthorne pshaw! So lazy....! #
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May 24, 2009 00:56
- 13:50 Jesus I'm standing next to the most annoying person in the word at the tower of terror line. #
- 13:53 WORLD!!! #
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