phones suck

Aug 02, 2005 11:35

Today, waking me up from my blissful sleep was a military recruter. He wanted to know it I had looked into any of the services (as he put it). I said no. He said you mean not yet. I said no. He asked what I wanted to do after high school, I said medicine. He asked what kind. I said chinese. He asked how that was different from our medicine, he said ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

fireflykiwi August 2 2005, 09:51:21 UTC
You should talk to Rachel, she's going to be going back to Canada after graduating in May.


slayervampbitca August 2 2005, 10:03:01 UTC
Good going. I freaking hate when recruiters call me. *fumes*


digital_lorax August 2 2005, 10:42:03 UTC
Why move to Canada?
Why not stay here and fight for change?


effika August 2 2005, 11:02:20 UTC
Military recruiters are fun to screw with. Nice job on the Canada answer. :-)

Recruiters wouldn't leave me alone in high school. One offered me West Point and I asked him how long it would be until I got shot at. He said something like "Enough time to make it worth it!" and I asked him how exactly going to a military academy on the other side of the country where I can merely delay being shot at seemed worth it when I could get better schooling in my subject without even having to worry about being shot at or travelling very far. He paused and I told him he took to long to answer and hung up.

I really don't want to be shot at, nor do I exactly agree with this whole war and violence thing.

If one calls back act like he's called a telemarketer. Try to sell him long distance and don't give up until you've got his credit card! :-)


modernorpheus August 2 2005, 12:25:39 UTC
Hell, point them in my direction. I'll try to recruit them right back.


waywardtraveler August 2 2005, 15:59:12 UTC
Good job at the diffusing, keeping your cool, etc!
It seems recruters have become more obnoxious and persistant than when I was going to school


cloverdryad August 3 2005, 02:58:08 UTC
It has to do with their quota.


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