Smolder Lane: Road Trip I

Jul 27, 2013 22:00

*Sequel to Smolder Lane: Las Vegas. The eight friends head on an adventure across the country.*

“This is a beast!” Jlyn exclaims as she hands Rob her last bag.

“Well we do have nine people!” LOTSLove tells her as she climbs into the large black van they rented for their road trip.

“It’s a vus! Van bus!” Evie laughs.

“Hold up! Nine?” Jlyn crosses her arms and looks at the others.

“Nine. Comes after eight, but before ten,” Caroline smirks.

“You invited mister no pants!” Jlyn throws her hands up.

“Babe,” Rob shuts the van’s back door. “He saw us renting the van. What were we supposed to do?”

“Lie!” Jlyn responds.

“We tried,” Brendan shrugs.

“He may be naive sometimes but other times he just knows!” Craig tells her and follows LOTSLove inside the van.

“Ridiculous!” Jlyn growls. “I refuse to sit next to him!”

“Oh no worries there. I brought a kennel!” Evie laughs.

“I think Evie has gotten meaner since she became blonde,” Caroline smirks.

“Have not!” Evie pouts.

“I like the blonde,” Brendan smiles.

“I bet a certain playboy wouldn’t like it,” Jlyn says. Evie gives Jlyn a quick glare.

“All the better,” Brendan gives his wife a quick kiss.

“We are set to go,” Orlando calls out from the driver’s seat.

“Yes! Let us just leave now…dog less!” Jlyn says. As if on queue, Taylor pulls up in a cab.

“Hi, guys!” He waves as he pays the cab driver and grabs his bags. Jlyn huffs and gets inside the van.

“Hey, Taylor!” Rob takes his bags and adds them to their growing pile in the back of the van.

“Let’s get this show on the road!” Caroline grins and takes the passenger seat. The others get in. Evie and Brendan take the long back seat, with Taylor. Jlyn is happy to have the other seat with Rob, Craig, and LOTSLove. As they hit the highway, Taylor takes out a mixed CD.

“I made a CD!” Taylor hands it to Rob.

“Oh goody,” Jlyn mumbles as Caroline puts the CD on. Gangham style fills the speakers.

“Well this is a fun song!” Evie says as Taylor starts dancing in his seat next to her.

“LOTSLove, did you bring the tranquilizers?” Jlyn asks.

“That would be illegal, sister,” LOTSLove shakes her head.

“It is only illegal if you get caught,” Evie responds.

“Evelyn Grace!” LOTSLove chastises her. “How would you know?”

“Um, what? Nothing!” Evie blushes.

“Open condom store!” Taylor sings. Everyone stops talking and stares at him.

“What did you say?” Brendan asks.

“That’s what that guy is saying! Open condom store,” Taylor tells him.

“He is not!” Jlyn laughs!

“No one would sing about a condom store,” Caroline laughs.

“It is gangham style. Oppa gangham style,” Evie tells him and starts laughing.

“No, that’s not what it says, listen!” Taylor indicates for her to listen. Everyone falls silent as the refrain comes on again.

“Holy crap it does sound like condom store,” Craig starts laughing.

“Hey, sexy lady!” Taylor starts dancing in his seat.

“Oh no,” Jlyn scrunches her nose.

“If you love me, switch seats with me,” Evie turns to Brendan.

“If you love me, you won’t ask that of me,” Brendan smiles.

“Dirty pool!” Evie pouts.

“Seems like you’re stuck, “ Jlyn looks at Evie.

“Rub it in,” Evie scowls.

“I do like rubbing things…” Jlyn smirks at Rob.

“Keep it in your pants you two!” LOTSLove laughs.

“Speaking of pants…panties…what have you…” Evie takes out a map. “There is a giant mall in a few hours at exit 63!”

“I am in!” LOTSLove smiles.

“I do not even know where we are going exactly,” Caroline looks at Orlando.

“It’s a surprise!” Orlando smiles.

“Evie has a map!” Caroline counters.

“Yes, but that’s just the beginning! The boys and I have hidden the other maps,” Orlando winks.

“Devious!” Jlyn giggles.

“Who us? Never!” Rob smirks.

“I have to pee!” Taylor suddenly blurts.

“Are you kidding me?” Evie glares at Taylor.

“We just got on the road!” Orlando calls out from the driver’s seat.

“Can you hold it for a bit?” Brendan asks.

“I don’t know!” Taylor frowns.

“I have an empty water bottle,” Caroline laughs.

“Okay!” Taylor says.

“No!” The others scream at him.

“Distract yourself somehow,” LOTSLove offers.

“Like thoughts of my girlfriend?” Taylor asks her.

“Who? JLyn?” Evie whispers and giggles.

“Hey!” Jlyn gives her arm a smack. “That is disgusting.”

“You have a girlfriend? Tell us more,” Craig turns and looks at Taylor.

“We are going to stop and see her!” Taylor tells them excitedly.

“What is her name?” LOTSLove asks.

“It is a surprise!” He answers.

“I am not a fan of Taylor surprises,” JLyn mumbles.

“Is she a laberdoodle?” Evie laughs along with JLyn.

“I am not sure of ethnicity,” Taylor muses. The other look at him in disbelief.

“Are we there yet?” Jlyn sighs.

“This is going to be an interesting road trip, isn’t it?” Rob shakes his head….

crack, smolder lane

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