Heh. Ripped this off of Anda and Lexi when I didn't feel like doing my homework... even though it made me think more than homework... :S
[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
[02] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Uh... no. I've seen too many pictures of people rotting from the inside out because of that shit.
[03] Abortion: for or against it?
Against. I know that there are horrible situations out there - I understand that a rape victim won't want that reminder. I understand that if the mother is dying because of pregnancy, she may want to consider other options. I understand that the baby could be born with horrible mutations or mental disabilities... but in spite of all that, in my eyes, abortion is murder. It is the taking of a life of someone that cannot defend themselves - the argument that a fetus is not a life is irrelevant. If it's not killed first, it will grow to BE a life. It will effect other people, may effect the entire world. And snuffing any kind of human life, blooming or already in existence, is just not right.
[04] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Not anymore than it already is... let's face it. Our economy is crashing. The US IS failing. Who knows, maybe a female president would have a different perspective and be able to see what the problems in a different light - and thus be able to find solutions. And I'm a firm believer in equality for all - women would be able to do the same things as men. Hello... why would the question of a leader's gender cause the world to fail?
[05] Do you believe in the death penalty?
In certain circumstances. Child rapists and murderers deserve it, in my opinion. (A bit of a turnaround from my abortion views, I know) If someone is willing to take the life of another human being, or ruin an innocent child's life by raping him/her, then yes, that individual deserves to die. He/she doesn't count as human - they are clearly lacking a certain part of the soul that gives us our humanity. They're animals, and they deserve to be put down as animals.
[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I honestly could care less. Smoking pot would kill me because of my asthma, and I know it's already readily available (thank you pot head co-workers), so I don't think it makes much of a difference either way.
[07] Are you for or against premarital sex?
I'm ... ambivalent. I personally want to wait until marriage - or at least until I find the person I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with - but I can understand why other people might see the situation differently, especially if they're not sort of religious, like I am. It all comes down to the person, and the situation.
[08] Do you believe in God?
For a lot of people, this would be a simple question. A yes or a no answer, and then moving on. I'm not one of those people... this question has been plaguing me a lot recently, and I have a lot put a lot of thought into the matter. I do, to an extent, believe in God. I also believe in evolution, and most scientific theories. Don't ask me to reconcile the two things, but that's what I think.
I'm obviously not super - religious. Heh. God is not the most important thing in my life - I go to church when i can make myself, and I go to SALT on campus, but that's not always because I feel the need to worship. I met most of my friends at Salt, I love going to church because I get to sing... and I find all of the stories in the Bible extremely hard to believe... so... yeah, I believe in God. To an extent.
[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes. Its funny - a year ago, I might have been arguing the other side of this one. But I've changed since then, and I honestly can't see why it shouldn't be. It's not like it would effect anyone else - the religious fanatics are really the only ones against it, as far as I can tell, for Godly reasons. Well, newsflash people, God created and loves us all. That's what I get out of services on Sunday. Why wouldn't he want ALL of his children to be happy - including homosexuals? They're going to be together whether the rest of the world likes it or not- what's the difference in them having a marriage license? It doesn't effect me either way, so I think it should be legalized.
[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
I don't think it's particularly bad that they're moving here... I don't think they should be taking our jobs, though, when we can't keep most of our own country's citizens employed. And since they can't come here and not work... well, then yes, I think it's wrong that they're moving here.
[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
Uhm, good lord. 12? I didn't even have my period at 12. Before I answer this question, though, I want to remind you all of something. I volunteer at a youth center - I've seen this happen. I've seen the effects - so don't think I'm heartless.
The baby should be taken. Immediately after birth. With a mother that young, the poor thing is almost certain to have serious problems, and no matter how willing the family is to help the girl with her kid, a child for a mother will only hurt the baby more. There's a baby at the center where I volunteer whose mother was 13 when she had him, and he's most certainly deaf, very possibly autistic, and way behind in development compared to other children his age. Her parents are middle class, responsible people, and agreed to help her with the baby - it's grandma babysits everyday. But at the end of the day, the baby is still his mother's responsibility. She won't consent to have her baby tested for problems - so, guess what? He's not learning how to communicate without hearing- he hasn't been officially diagnosed as deaf. He can't walk - he's almost 3. He has no social skills other than to grab at you and cuddle with you... it's the saddest thing I've ever seen.
Children are not mothers. They are children. They cannot be presented with the chance to hurt a child like that. Elijah - the baby - is never going to live a normal life, and his issues are all directly tied to his mother's age and immaturity.
[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
Yes. If you can die for your country, you should be able to drink. The US is the only country in the world with such a high drinking age, and there are no consequences that can be traced back to the drinking age. We can smoke at 18, buy porn, buy a house, take control of our own lives, but we're not allowed to drink? Shouldn't we be given that responsibility, too? It makes no sense to limit drinking but nothing else - especially since we're granted other freedoms that are more dangerous than the ability to consume alcohol.
[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Heh. This is one of my sorest points with Obama... HELL YES IT SHOULD BE CALLED OFF. Ahem. We're fighting a war we can't win. We're fighting against the whole country of Afghanistan - and they don't want to change. What right to we have to step in and force them to change their system of government? None. I agreed with the war at it's beginning - well, looking back, I agree with the reasons for its start, I was too young at the time to think about it - but we have no purpose over there right now aside from making the government more like ours. That wont work for every country! Never mind the fact that we're spending trillions of dollars and LIVES over there every week, putting our country further and further into an already record breaking debt ... we can't even sustain our own economy, and instead of focusing on that problem, we're splitting our attention between the homeland and Afghanistan. It doesn't makes sense, dammit.
[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
... I ... ok. This one is hard for me, too. I don't think the person helping the other to die should be penalized, so I guess I don't agree. I think that there should be written documents expressly saying that the individual wants to die, and more than one doctor should be present to make sure the patient doesn't change his/her mind. I also think that there should be an age limit, or a disease severity limit. If someone is young and just suicidal, they shouldn't be allowed to have assisted suicide. But aging, with a terminal illness? I'd want to end my suffering quickly, thank you very much. So ... on some levels, yes, I agree.
[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
No. My parents never hit me - save once, Dad... gee, bet you couldn't have guessed - and I turned out fine. It's a dangerous line between punishment and abuse, and it's too easy to cross it.
[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Yup. Would I feel guilty about it afterward? Probably.
[17] Who do you think would (have) make/made a better president? McCain or Obama?
Whew. Um... while I don't agree with Obama's war policies or his views on our National Debt... McCain would have been a disaster. Especially with Palin as his vice - good god, that woman is messed up. Our country would have been screwed. So... I'm going to have to say Obama, even though he's making quite the mess of things, too.
[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
I stopped caring about being judged when I was 15. Plus, the people reading this are my friends. So... no.