damn i'm bored...here's some surveys

Jul 25, 2004 11:32

Sexual Encounters and Sexuality:Are you Straight, Bi, or Gay?:straight (Other than and including sex...)How many boys have you had experiences with?:0 How many girls have you had experiences with?:4 but only 'sex' with 1 How many persons total?:^ Where was your best encounter?:Morrow Mountain Where was your worst encounter?:My room.. How old were you when you had your first experience?:17 Do you Masturbate?:yes (If so) How often?:very rarely (If so) How old were you when you first started?:17-18 Ever talked about it with a friend?:yes (If so) Ever done it with a friend?:not in person Do you watch/look at porn?:not usually (If so) How often?:hardly ever (If so) What is your source?:internet What is your opinion on porn?:kinda dumb but it works..so.. Do you have any STDs?:no (If so) From who/where?: (For Girls)(For Girls) Ever been to the Gynecologist?: (If so) How old were you when you first went?: (If so) Why did you first go?: (If so) Do you go regularly?: (If not) Why haven't you gone?: Do you use birth control?: How old were you when you first got your period?: Tampons or Pads?: Have you ever had an abotion?: Self Mutiation:(Cutting)Have you ever cut yourself?:with a paperclip For what reason?:was pissed at a friend Did you stop or are you still doing it?:yes it was a one time thing Why or Why not?:because it was dumb Have you sought any professional help?:no Have you told your parents?:no (Suicide)Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?:yes Have you ever tried to commit suicide? How many times?:a couple By what method?:ODing Have you ever prevented anyone else from committing suicide?:yes Have you sought any professional help?:no Have you told your parents?:no Have you written any suicide notes and given them to the intended person?:no Have you ever been caught?:no (Burning)Have you ever burned yourself on purpose?:no Would you do it again?:no Did you stop or are you still doing it?:--- Why or Why not?:--- (Eating Disorders)Have you been diagnosed with an eating disorder?:no Do you display characteristics if you are not diagnosed?:no Have you ever not eaten for a day or longer?:yes What is the longest you've gone without eating?:don't know Have you ever taken diet pills?:no Have you ever been addicted to diet pills?:no Are you still?:no Have you ever binged and purged?:no How old were you when you started to display charecteristics?:-- How old were you when you were diagnosed?:-- Have you sought professional help?:-- Have you told your parents?:-- Have you tried to stop?:-- Why or Why not?:-- (Drugs)Have you ever done any drugs?:yes What drugs have you done?:marijuana Have you ever regreted it?:YES How old were you when you did your first drug?:20 Have you stopped or are you still doing them?:only did it once Why or Why not?:because it was stupid Have you sought professional help?:no Have you told your parents?:no Have you ever been caught?:no Have you ever lost a friend because of drugs?:yes Are you clean now?:um yea? How long have you been clean?:shut up Thanks for taking the time to do this survey.It takes alot of bravery to answer these questions honestly.
Personal Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

The BasicsMale/Female:Male Heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual?:Heterosexual Are you certain of your sexual orientation?:Yes If not, why arn't you? If you are, how do you know?:Because the thought of a guy shoving his dick up my ass doesn't turn me on. Your age:20 How often do you think about sex in a normal day?:When something provokes it. How often do you think about other sexual acts besides intercourse?:Several. Have you ever had sex?:Yes Do you like...Vaginal sex:Yes Anal sex:Never tried it, never will. Oral sex:Yes. Fingering/handjobs:Yes. Something not mentioned above that you like: Which of the above do you prefer?:Oral IntrestsWhat (if any) fetishes do you have?:I dunno. Do you like sexual situations with more than one person?:Never tried. With several people of the same sex?:No. The opposite sex?:Maybe. Or even sexual situations with several people of diffrent sexes?:No. If you haven't tried any of the above, might you in the future? Why/Why not:Maybe, if the partners were trusted. Do you have a steady partner?:No. Do you use protection?:I would. How important is foreplay to you:Very. The KissDo you like kissing people/a person?:Yes. What is your favorite part of kissing?:It's sensual, I like the connection that is felt. Tounge or no tounge?:Both. Where is the best place to be kissed (on your body):Neck. Where is the worst place to be kissed (on your body):Probably my armpit or somewhere. Who do you wish you could kiss?:I'll keep that to myself. How important is kissing in a serious relationship?:Very important. And...What's your favorite sexual position:Doggy or "Cowgirl"..lol it just feels better. Where is the oddest place you've ever had sex:Under a pier in a lake with people around..don't think they knew though. Where do you want to have sex:Beach. Would you mind if people watched?:Um..yeah. How important is sex in your life:Not extremely, but it is important. Name a fantasy you have:Don't think I have one. Do you like having sex...With toys?:Never tried. In the dark or light?:Both. Outside?:Yes. In costume?:No thanks. In bondage?:In a very subtile way. Submissive/dominate?:Sometimes. With lubricant?:Nah, that's what foreplay's for. Flavored condoms?:Don't care. With anything else unusual?:No? Finally...Do you like this survey?:Sure
Sex Survey for the Repressed brought to you by BZOINK!
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