Title: Falling in Love
evening12Main pairing: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Rating: G
Word count: 146 words
Content/Warning(s): None
A/N: This was written during
hogsmeadewkends at
hogwartsishome for
gamma_x_orionis The original is right
Remus fell in love with Sirius during breakfast at the Great Hall. What a silly way to fall in love at that. There had been no big declaration or fanfare. No flowers or chocolates. Not even a prank or two. There had only been Sirius quietly drinking his morning coffee.
It was as if everything that was and had been Sirius culminated in that one moment. The way Sirius slept sprawled out on his bed, limbs everywhere and nowhere at once. His smile. A bright happy smile that was also full of sadness and pain. Pain that Remus wanted to smooth away. How Sirius knitted his brows together at particular dense portions of a transfiguration text. How his fingers brushed against Remus' when they walked side by side. All Remus wanted to do was to hold Sirius’ hand. .
Maybe Remus had always loved Sirius after all.