Thu, 16:03: RT @ caraesten: knee replacement has a ~10% regret rate prostate cancer treatment has a 13% regret rate gender affirming care has a 0.3% r…
Wed, 10:25: RT @ badler: Shouldn’t this story have mentioned that Florida has a higher murder rate than NYC, a much higher murder rate than NY state, an…
Sat, 00:17: RT @ alli_pierson: "Dogs were good again this week." An irrefutable fact in a world of uncertainties.
Sat, 00:24: RT @ Parkeology: It’s hard to believe that theme park visitors would flock to a show about basic nutrition starring robotic fruits and veget…
Thu, 21:06: RT @ hcpunion: Big News!!! We have voted to ratfiy the contract and will be returning to work 2/21. We're excited to get back to work and jo…
Wed, 23:25: RT @ chessiezappia: Greymist Fair release week events are up! Will you be around Indiana at the end of March? Come see me! B&N Event: https…
Sun, 16:45: RT @ JoJoFromJerz: So let me get this straight - Republicans contend that a 4th grader is old enough to be forced to carry a baby to term &…
Thu, 14:03: RT @ Dreadful4Tymes: “Why do men have to pay for everything?” Because our grandmothers legally couldn’t open a bank account so they probably…
Tue, 00:15: RT @ RootTangle: People aren’t saying it’s transphobic to play Hogwarts Legacy JUST because J.K. Rowling is a TERF. They’re saying it beca…
Tue, 00:15: RT @ elijahwood: The movie theater is and always has been a sacred democratic space for all and this new initiative by @ AMCTheatres would es…
Fri, 06:17: RT @ SwiftOnSecurity: You DO NOT WANT to do personal stuff on a corporate PC. That's not a privilege someone is taking away from you. You ar…