Title: I Know A Guy Who's Tough but Sweet.
Author: Evergrnterrace
Characters/Pairing: Implied Kuchiki Rukia/Kuchiki Byakuya, Renji, Yachiru
Rating/Warnings: G? VERY A/U bordering on delusional...
Theme: 9~candy for
bleach_15Word Count: 178?
Rukia giggled behind her hand as she watched her husband dash behind his office door. She knew he’d been up to something for awhile now, but she’d had no idea he’d been this sneaky. And for how long now, she wondered.
She stifled another giggle as Yachiru darted behind the very same office door, eyes wide in anticipation. She could feel Renji’s eyes on her so she turned to face him. “Well, it is cute.” She conceded with a nod. Renji nearly rolled his eyes at the expression on her face.
“It’s not cute.” He began with a scowl. “It’s.. it’s an addiction!” Rukia laughed as Yachiru’s pink head poked suspiciously out from behind the door. At the sight of Rukia and Renji, her eyes narrowed. Rukia just gave a friendly wave and Yachiru’s face lit up into her usual cheery smile. She poked her head back behind the door for a moment before bounding out and waving them over.
As they began to walk, Renji more reluctantly, Rukia asked, “So, how long has Byakuya been sneaking her candy?”