I have a new blog. I may occasionally post in this one, but I doubt it. I'll keep this one to keep up with my friends' blogs, but that'll probably be it. I'm using new anonymous names on there, made up of the letters of the real people's names. For instance, mine is Max. Alexandra Kaitlyn Roma. It's pretty fun coming up with names for everyone,
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Comments 2
And Conor actually goes with a story that occurred before I started listening to Bright Eyes. In this incident, the person who is referred to as Conor, was taking the ASVAB with the rest of the class and decided to sign his name Conor Oberst. We all thought it was hilarious, but when the scores came back and the principal found out, he was sent to the office where he was told that signing a false name on the ASVAB was a "federal offense." This was a bogus claim, we later found out, but after his initial freaking out, we laughed about it and I told him I would change his anonymous name from "Craig" (the first name of the author of Blankets, which he got me to read) to "Conor."
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