I should not be teaching, I can not deal with these students and all of these complicated situations. Getting close to people is a big no. Except Penelo, but that is different. Or if Zelda ever wants to come back for a round two, that might be a little fun. As for everyone else and this stressful and annoying job, I have finally decided I will be moving the castle. I just have to find where to go next. This town was a terrible decision! I hope I will not be making the same mistake again.
I'm handing in a two weeks notice. Not that Ganondorf cares..I hope he does not.
As for Fay, I shouldn't even let myself worry about what I just did to him by taking off those.. barriers. I will not let myself think about. It's not an option. It is not. It never has been for anyone.
I am feeling much better, and very sorry that I missed our date because I was so sick. Would you please still come out with me? I will treat you to dinner. And a very good one.
Well students, it has most certainly been an adventure teaching the lot of you in Flamingo Heights. And in two weeks it will be the last time I see many of you. I will be heading out myself to a new location. Enjoy college. And I hope you learned something from class or took some of what you did to benefit from it.
As to the coworkers... Enjoy your job more than I did.
[[oc: Nooo I'm noT dropping Howl, remember he's a Drama Queen XD If you don't have a character that stops him from moviing I already know how he will not be able to move. but he does hate his job xD ]]